
English Course Delivery

The English Course Journey page is to guide you on how to setup to deliver any type of non-accredited English courses

  • General English
  • Academic English
  • All English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • PTE Academic Exam Preparation
  • IELTS Exam Preparation
  • English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
  • Cambridge Preparation Course (FCE and CAE)
  • General Professional English (GPE)

Steps on How To Add Courses and Units

Start by adding an Enquiry Course Offer with everything you need to Add Classes

How to add and enrol Learners in their respective Course/Unit Offers and Timetables

Links to ongoing steps you require to successfully manage enrolments throughout the journey

1. Create Courses and Units


Add a Course
  1. Follow the steps on how to Add a Course
    • Refer to the table below to complete the relevant fields:
NOTE: All English as an Additional Language (EAL)

All English as an Additional Language (EAL) courses have to be setup like any other regular accredited course. Learn More? How to Set Up Courses in Wisenet


Add Units

Add each graded criteria as a Unit (i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing etc…)

  1. Navigate to LRM>Units
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click Add New
  3. When the Unit page opens, choose the Course and enter all details as per table below, then, click Save


Vet Flag should = No

2. Set Up for Delivery


Add an Enquiry Course Offer

If you are unsure of which level a prospective Learner will commence in, an Enquiry Course Offer will collate all inquiries until they are ready to be moved into the correct Course Offer.

Learn More? How to Bulk Move Course Enrolments


  • We strongly recommend this for General English and Academic English courses
  • Optional for all the other English courses
  1. Navigate to LRM>Courses
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, Search and Open the Course (i.e. General English, EAP, IELTS Preparation etc…) that you wish to create a Course Offer for
  3. When the Course page opens, on the Left Navigation Bar, Click Offers
  4. On the Top Right Action Menu, Click Add
  5. Enter a Course Offer Code and Description, i.e:
    • Course Offer Code = 2019GEENQ
    • Description = General English Enquiry 2019

NOTE: Naming conventions are extremely important in order to easily identify your Course Offer and the different groups of Learners. The Course Offer Code and Description should be meaningful to your organisation. Please establish guidelines for your Course Offer Codes and Descriptions. The Description may be in upper or lowercase or a combination of the two. Some exports will produce reports in upper-case only.


Add a Course Offer per level


  • For English Courses where Learners are allocated to levels (i.e. Intermediate, Advanced, etc…)  you may want to follow the following format:
    • Course Offer Code = YEAR + COURSE CODE + LEVEL. Examples:
      • 2019GEBEG
      • 2019GEINT
  • For English Courses where Learners are not allocated to levels (like IELTS preparation Course), you may wish to create the Course Offer as YEAR + COURSE CODE (i.e. 2019IELTSPREP)
  1. Navigate to LRM>Course Offers
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click Add New
  3. Search for the English Course
  4. Enter a Course Offer Code and Description, i.e:
    • Course Offer Code = 2019GEADV
    • Course Offer Description = General English Advanced 2019
  5. Enter the following mandatory details:
    • Offering Start and End Dates
    • Enrolment Period Start and End Dates
    • CRICOS Code


Add Unit Offers

NOTE: Optional if you are not required to score your Learners.

  1. When in the required Course offer, from the Left Navigation Bar Click Unit Offers
  2. On the Top Right Action Menu, Click and Select Add/Edit Unit Selection
  3. Tick the units to be added into the Course Offer
  4. Below the list of Units in the Action Menu, Select Confirm Unit Selection
  5. You will now receive a confirmation of the number of Units added – Click Confirm

NOTE: Repeat the above process until you add a Course Offer for every level.


Add Course Enrolment Checklists

CRITICAL! This is an important step to generate Letter of Offers. Do NOT Skip!

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Enrolment Checklist Templates
  2. Click on Add/Remove Checklist Items
  3. The list of Available Checklist Items will appear, Tick the checkbox for the Course Fees and Payment Schedule Checklist Items
  4. In the Action Menu at the bottom of the page, Select Confirm Checklist Item Selection
  5. You will be prompted to Set Defaults. Would you like to set defaults?
    • NOTE: You can always change these values individually or in bulk later, So ignore this bit and Just click Save Changes


Update Checklist Values and Amounts
  1. Tick the checkbox for each Checklist Item you wish to update
  2. In the Action Menu, select Edit Selected Checklist Items if you will be entering different data into each Checklist Item
  3. Enter the relevant data into the fields as applicable
  4. Click Update


Add a Timetable
  1. Follow the steps on how to Add a Timetable
  2. When the Timetable page opens, fill the following details
    • Timetable Code and Description (i.e. Code = 2019GEBEG and Description = General English Beginner 2019)
      • IMPORTANT NOTE: This must match the Course Offer Code and Description otherwise it will affect their Certificate of Attendance
    • Status – Confirmed
    • Start and End Dates
  3. Set Up the Defaults for the first class in your timetable
    • NOTE: These can be left and edited later except for Start and End time


Add Classes
  1. Follow the steps on how to Add Classes

3. Enrol Learners


Add and Enrol Learners
  1. Add a Learner
  2. Enrol a Learner
      • If you are enrolling Learners into the Enquiry Course Offer, fill out the applicable Enrolment Fields following the guidelines below:
        • Enrolment Status – Set to Enquiry/Pending
        • Study Mode – Set to Full Time
        • Start and End Dates – Set according to each Learner
      • Once Learners confirm their level upon commencement, move their enrolment into the correct Course Offer. Learn More? How to bulk move Course Enrolments
      • Each time a Learner commences an English Course (even if it’s the same level) they will have a new Course Enrolment. This can be into the same Course Offer if need be.


Generate a Letter of Offer
  1. Follow the steps on how to Generate a Letter of Offer
  2. (Only Applicable for General English and Academic English) Move the Learner
    • Once the Learner has accepted the Letter of Offer and an eCoE is issued:
      • Navigate to LRM > Learners (Clients)
      • Search for the relevant Learner
      • Choose the relevant Course Enrolment
      • In the Top Action Menu, select Move Course Offers
      • Choose the appropriate Course Offer for the right level
      • Click Save


Update Course Enrolment Details
  1. Navigate to LRM>Learners
  2. Search for the relevant Learner
  3. Against the appropriate Course Enrolment, in the Action Menu select Edit Course Enrolment
  4. Change the Enrolment Status to Current
  5. Update the eCoE number
  6. Click Save and Choose Unit Enrolments at the bottom of the page, and choose the appropriate units
  7. Click Save and Modify Unit Enrolment values
  8. Select the appropriate unit(s)
  9. Tick Start and End Date
    • Choose From Course Enrolment
  10. Click Apply Changes at the very bottom


Add Learners to Timetables

You add Learners to Timetables by adding them to their relevant class(es)

4. Enrolment Progression and Completion


Ongoing Enrolment management

Managing Enrolment will be an ongoing step, and the following are required to be updated as often as needed:

  1. Update Attendance
  2. Update Unit Element Results
  3. Update Unit enrolments
  4. Update Course Enrolments


Monitoring and Reporting

As Learners progress through the Course Offer it is important to update their records regularly.  Progression Management is extremely critical to ensure accurate records for compliance and external reporting. Internal Reports can be generated to obtain key information pertaining to Learner Course Progress and Attendance Progress. Please see below for key progression reports:

  • 0148 Course Progression Unit Count Summary
  • 0793 Course Progression Unit Count with Study Period
  • 0818 Attendance Progression with Study Period
  • 0819 Attendance and Course Progression Unit Count Summary by Study Periods
  • 4019 Attendance Progress Report with Attendance Reporting Checklist
  • 2013 Course Progression Unit Count Summary (NZ only)

Learn More? How To Generate a Report



If you have a distinct list of learners falling below an average percentage, you can use the following features to send warning letters and messages:

  • uReports – for a mixture of generic templates, such as Welcome Letter or Warning Letters, for you to customise and issue in bulk to Learners
  • Messages – which allows you to create templates that function in a similar way to emails; allowing your staff to communicate the same messages to their Learners. This could be a welcome message, late notice, warning message etc
  • Tasks – There are many tasks that need to be completed along the enrolment process and over the course of a year for reporting. Tasks are a useful tool to keep track of these requirements.  Learn More? How to Create and Assign Tasks


Finalise a Learner

It is important that the Enrolment Status and even Status Reason be updated first as this may trigger Tasks and processes to occur.  Three important steps to remember when you are Finalising a Learner

NOTE: ELICOS Certificate of Completion and ELICOS Certificate of Attendance Templates can be found under uReport Templates