
How To Add Learners to Classes

To add Learners to Classes, you need to use the Add Learners Wizard which allows you to add:

  • A single Learner to a single class or multiple classes
  • Multiple Learners to a single class or multiple classes


Select the Learners you wish to register into classes
  1. Navigate to  LRM > Timetables
  2. Open the relevant Timetable
  3. On the Left Navigation Bar click Add Learners
  4. You have 3 methods to select the Learners you wish to register into the classes
  1. Click the Course Offer Tab
  2. Type the relevant Course Offer Code or Description or Offer Start/End Date
  3. Click Search
  4. A list of Course Offers matching your search will appear
  5. Click the relevant Course Offer Code
  6. The Learners enrolled in the Course Offer will be listed – click the checkbox to the left of a Learner’s name to select or de-select them
  7. Click Next
  1. Click the Learner Tab
  2. Enter search details of the Learner
  3. Tick to Select the relevant Learner(s)
  4. Click Next
Confirm Learners
  1. Confirm each Learner by ticking the checkbox to the left of their name
  2. Click Next
    • You will be notified of any clashes
  1. Click the Learner Tab
  2. Click Select Learners By RefInternal
  3. In the pop-up box, enter the RefInternal number for each Learner in your group and separate them by a comma
  4. Click Submit


Find the Class
  1. The Select Classes page will now open
  2. Enter your filter criteria
    • Dates that you wish to filter classes from and to (by default the from filter will be set to today’s date) by over-typing the dates if applicable
    • If applicable, enter a Class Code/Description (you can also enter the full Class Code or name if you are just wanting select one class)
  3. Click Filter


Select the Class
  1. The list of classes meeting your filter specifications will appear
  2. Tick the classes that you wish to enrol the Learners into
  3. Under the class list, on the right hand side, select the applicable Class Enrolment Status – in most cases you will select ‘Enrolled’ See Class Enrolment Status
  4. Click Finish


If you are about to create any clashes you will be presented with a page listing the Learners and the classes that will create a clash.

Click Next if you do not wish to create the clashes or tick the relevant Learner class enrolments if you wish to proceed, then click Next

You will be presented with a summary screen confirming the class enrolments.

Click Restart Wizard if you wish to enrol another group of Learners