
How To Add a Course

Non-accredited Courses or other Short Courses that cannot be imported will need to be added manually.

Before you begin:

Required Knowledge: Courses

Required LRM Access: Admin

Required Pre-Steps: Check that you have not already added the Course: How to Import Your Scope; What Type of Course? 


Manually Add a Course

The steps for setting up a new Course are the same regardless of the type of Course you are adding; however, the fields that you complete will vary.

  1. On the Top Navigation Bar click Courses & Units
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar click Add Course
  3. You’ll have the option to either:
    • Manually create a new course (Required for Short Course Set Up), or
    • Import a course and related units fro, training.gov.au
  4. Select to Manually create a new course
  5. Complete the relevant fields for the Course type you are setting up
  6. Save

Fields for Australia,

New Zealand and Singapore