
How To Finalise a Learner

When a Learner withdraws or completes their enrolment their records need to be finalised. This can assist with correct reporting.

Required Knowledge: Learners, Enrolment

Required LRM Access: Owner, Admin


Navigate to  LRM > Learners


Finalise Course Enrolment

It is important that the Enrolment Status and even Status Reason be updated first as this may trigger tasks and processes to occur.

CompletedWithdrawnSmart and SkilledAVETMISS fields

  1. Status: Completed or Completion Pending
    • The status you choose could depend if any additional paperwork etc may need to be completed.
  2. Outcome Codes
  3. Unit Enrolment Dates
    • The End Date (and Start Date if it hasn’t been updated) needs to be modified to reflect the actual end date of the Unit.
  4. AVETMISS fields

Outcome Codes and Enrolment Dates can be updated in Bulk.

How to Bulk Update

Status: Withdrawn, Cancelled (no penalty), Cancelled (penalty)

  • The status reason you choose could depend if any additional tasks or considerations need to be done.
  • Learn more about Enrolment Status

2. Update Unit Enrolment

a) that HAS commenced training (eg. UE.StartDate < withdraw date)

  • Set OC = 40
  • End Date = Withdraw Date
  • Actual Hours = Hour Attended to date


b) has NOT yet commenced (eg. UE.StartDate > withdraw date)

  • Set OC = 00
  • SD and ED should be after withdraw date
  • Actual Hours = 0

Outcome Codes

If a Learner does not complete their Enrolment you will need to change details in order to report TNC (Training Not Completed) or D (Deferral).


  1. If a Learner Withdraws from their study. The relevant Outcome Code of 40 (as per previous tab), hours and start/end date needs to be applied per Unit Enrolment. This will updated the Outcome identifier – national
  2. The Enrolment Status must be set to Withdrawn or Cancelled (no penalty) or Cancelled (penalty) or Partial Attendance. This will automatically report the TNC outcome under the Outcome identifier – training organisation field. Wisenet has done this in the background for you.


  1. If a Learner Defers from their study. The Outcome Code per Unit Enrolment can be updated to 00 and start/end date needs to be set to a future date applied . This will updated the Outcome identifier – national 
  2. The Enrolment Status must be changed Deferred. This will automatically report the D (Deferral) outcome under the Outcome identifier – training organisation field. Wisenet has done this in the background for you.


  1. To report data for a Learner who has transitioned from a superseded qualification to a current (replacement) qualification, and commenced training in the current qualification, you must submit Training Activity Data which reflects the transition of training to the current qualification.The steps you take will depend on whether you have previously reported Training Activity Data in the superseded qualification or not:
    • If you have NOT previously reported Training Activity Data for the superseded qualification, you must cancel the Learner’s Commitment ID and create a new Commitment ID for the current qualification before training in the current qualification starts.
    • If you have previously reported data for the superseded qualification, you must report data using a combination of current and superseded qualification codes and UoC details
      • NOTE: This means that for transitioned students, the NAT120 file may contain multiple Program identifiers (i.e. qualification codes) and UoC details from both the superseded and the current qualification.  A maximum of three Program identifiers can be reported.



Learners need to complete a survey that corresponds with the appropriate guidelines on completion of their Course.

This can be achieved through using free integration with Survey Monkey.

How to use Surveys 


Generate Credentials

If applicable you will need to generate a Credential

How to Generate a Credential

Once a Credential is issued you can finalise their status.

Update Enrolment Status


Disable Learner App and eLearning

If you have given the Learner access to the Learner app or they used eLearning you can now disable their access.

How to Disable Learner App Access


Mark Learner as Active or Inactive

By default, when a Learner is added to Wisenet, they will be deemed Active. You can later mark a Learner Inactive as required.

This can be done at any time based on your policies once you have finished with the Learner.

  1. Change the Toggle Bar from Active to Inactive
  2. Or use Learncycles to automatically set the Learner Status to Inactive for specific enrolment status values

Reasons to change Learner to Inactive include:

  • You have per Active Learner pricing with Wisenet. Learn More about Active Learners
  • You are an Enterprise Training Organisation or L&D Department and have ex-staff
  • International College where a Learner has been deported
  • Learners that you have dismissed over a grievance or other reasons
  • Deceased Learners


For some scenarios it is useful to add a note to Special Requirements and tick the Privacy Flag for greater transparency.

You should ensure that you have correctly unenrolled the Learner and removed their access.