
Short Courses

Introducing Short Courses

Short Courses are usually stand alone Unit(s) delivered as a Course. It can be for a First Aid course or even internal Professional Development.

For reporting purposes the Unit must be set up under a Course.  

It is recommended that you create a Course called Short Courses and you will need Admin access to do so.

STEP 1: Add a Short Course

IMPORTANT: Do NOT create a Course with a Unit Code and Unit Description.


Before you Begin

Before adding a new Course, you should always check to ensure that the course hasn’t yet been added to your database to avoid duplicate records, government report errors and ensure internal reporting accuracy:

  1. On the Top Navigation Bar, click Courses & Units
  2. In the Search field, type in part or all of the Course Code or Description.
  3. It is important the you set up the Short Course that is most suited to your delivery. This will have streamline your process and reduce errors. Read the options below.
  4. If your Unit is already on scope you must chose Unit is part of a Qualification 

Unit is part of a Qualification

Most often the Unit that you need to deliver as a Short Course are already attached to a Qualification. If you have a Qualification already set up and the Units are part of the same Qualification, the Best Practise would be to create a Course Offer attached to that Qualification and select the appropriate Units.

Do not create a new Course.

*Best Practise would be to create a Course Offer attached to that Qualification.  Call the Course Offer whatever is appropriate and select the appropriate unit/s.

  1. Create a Course Offer: The course offer should be set up for 1 year period, this is so you can manage the amount of Learners enrolled
  2. Click Offers
  3. Click Add Course Offer
  4. Select the Course where the Units are associated with. Then complete the Course Offer details. Example is below:
    • Code: 18FA ( FA= First Aid )
    • Description: First Aid
    • Enrolment start date 01/01/2018
    • Enrolment end date 31/12/2018

PLEASE NOTE: these dates have nothing to do with a learners start and end date. This is just a container to hold all enrolments for that year

Skip to Step in the next tab Add Unit Offers

Stand alone Unit(s) i.e. First Aid

Set up a Course called Accredited Units.

  1. Select Courses on the Top Navigation Bar and then Add New
  2. Choose option to Manually create a new course
  3. Enter in the details relevant. Below are options for naming conventions
  • Course code = AC
  • Course Desc = Accredited Short Courses
  • Nominal Hours = 8
  • Recognition status = Other Courses
  • and you may wish to leave the rest blank

Once you have done this you must attach the Unit to this new course.

Each unit that you wish to deliver will need to be added to the new Course AC Accredited Units.

Non Accredited or Internal PD

Set up a Course called Non Accredited Courses.

  1. Select Courses on the Top Navigation Bar and then Add New
  2. Choose option to Manually create a new course
  3. Enter in the details relevant. Below are options for naming conventions
  • Course code = NAC
  • Course Desc = Non Accredited Short Courses
  • Nominal Hours = 8, Recognition status = Other Courses
  • and you may wish to leave the rest blank


Set up your course with the name of your Microcredential

  1. Select Courses on the Top Navigation Bar and then Add New
  2. Choose option to Manually create a new course
  3. Enter in the details relevant to your Microcredential. Below are options for naming conventions:
  • Course code = MCC001
  • Course Desc = Business Management Fundamentals
  • Nominal Hours = e.g. 5, Recognition status = 14 | Other Courses
  • and you may wish to leave the rest blank


Set Up Units

NOTE: If you deliver multiple Short Courses, set up all the Units under the same Course called Short Courses. It is NOT suggested to create multiple Short Courses.

  1. On the Top Navigation Bar select Courses & Units
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar select Add Unit
  3. When the Unit page opens, choose the Course  and the relevant Short Course and enter all details
  4. Click Save

STEP 2: Create a Short Course Offer

A Short Course Offer should be set for the duration of a calendar year or per contract periodThis will assist with internal reporting. Multiple Unit Offers can be added to the one Short Course Offer.


Create Short Course Offer
  1. Navigate to LRM > Course Offers
  2. Then, Left Navigation click Add New
  3. Choose the Short Courses from the dropdown list
  4. Enter a Course Offer Code and Description. e.g. ’16FA’ as the code and description can be ‘First Aid 2016’
  5. Enter the Course Offer start and end dates. e.g. 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016 (one year period). This will help with internal reporting.
  6. The Enrolment Period start and end dates will automatically populate from the course offer start and end dates.
  7. Default the max and min registration numbers to your class capacity.
  8. Fill out the remaining AVETMISS fields
  9. Save

Learn More?

How to Add and Edit a Location

Course Enrolment Fields: Australia

Course Enrolment Fields: New Zealand

Short Course Offer should be set for the duration of a calendar year or per contract period.

This is because the start and the end dates of the Course Offer do not directly impact the Learner. What is exported are the start and end dates of the Course Offer Enrolment for that Learner which can be adjusted.  This is just a container to hold all enrolments for that year.


Generally for Short Courses they contain ONE unit or MULTIPLE units

Add Unit Offers

  1. Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers
  2. Click Action and Add / Edit Unit Selection
  3. Tick the relevant Unit/s that you wish to add
  4. In the Action Menu (under the list of units), select Confirm Unit Selection
  5. You will now receive a confirmation of the number of Units added – click Confirm

Edit Unit Offer Details

  1. In the Left Navigation Bar click on Unit offers
  2. Action select add / remove units.
  3. Select the Single Unit to be delivered
  4. Click on the single Unit Offer Code
  5. Click Edit
  6. Complete the details as if this Unit is delivered on the day.
    • Unit offer code: the first 4 digits should be the date. E.g 1011 = 10th NOVEMBER.
    • If you have multiple locations you can add this to the code eg if you deliver in Melbourne.  Unit Code 1011MELHLT006  
    • There is no need to change the description of the unit.
    • Start time
    • End time
    • Max Client registrations for that day
    • Add the Start date
    • Add the End Date
    • Add the AVETMISS detail if the Unit is accredited.

Please view Suggested Unit Offer Code Modifications for naming conventions of Unit Offers.

Copy Unit Offer

  1. To add the next day you want to deliver in the action select copy Unit Offer
  2. You will need to modify these details:
    • code and name for your Unit Offer
      • CODE: 1512FAMEL
      • DESCRIPTION: First aid Melbourne 15 December:
    • Start and End Date

Repeat this process until you have created all the days you wish to offer this unit.

Follow Multiple Units if you have 2-4 Units in your delivery

The Unit Group function allows you to group Units together and then produce reports on these groupings.

Unit Groups are often used:

  • When you deliver and assess units together e.g. First Aid and CPR
  • To group mandatory or core units together

Choose appropriate Mode for Unit Groups

  • Simple Mode: Only allows you to add a Unit Offer to one Unit Group
  • Advanced Mode: Allows you to add a Unit Offer to one or more Unit Groups


By default your database will be set to Simple Mode. To activate Advanced Mode your portal administrator must switch this on:

  1. In the Wisenet Portal >My Account >Show Settings
  2. Under the heading >Advanced Unit Grouping
  3. Click edit, tick the checkbox and click Save

Add Unit Offer

  1. Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers
  2. Click Action and Add / Edit Unit Selection
  3. Tick the relevant Unit/s that you wish to add
  4. In the Action Menu (under the list of units), select Confirm Unit Selection
  5. You will now receive a confirmation of the number of Units added – click Confirm

Please view Suggested Unit Offer Code Modifications for naming conventions of Unit Offers.

Create Unit Group

  1. Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers and then Unit Groups
  2. Click  Action then Add Unit Groups
  3. Enter a code and name for your Unit Group
    • CODE: 1011FAMEL
    • DESCRIPTION: First aid Melbourne 10 November:
  4. Select the Units you wish to add to the group e.g. First Aid and CPR
  5. Click Save
  6. Repeat until you have added all your groups (note you do not have to group all unit offers)

Once you have added a Unit Group, you can also copy it and the Unit Offers associated with.

Please view Suggested Unit Offer Code Modifications for naming conventions of Unit Offers.

Set Defaults for a Unit Group

  1. Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers then Unit Group 
  2. For the group that you wish to modify, click the Action dropdown at the right-hand side and select Set Unit Offer Defaults
  3. Select the Unit Offers within the group that you wish to modify
  4. Under the Unit Offer grid select Action and choose Set Defaults for Selected Unit Offers
  5. In the Save New Values to select one of the following:
  6. Tick the values that you wish to update and enter the details
  7. Click Update
  8. Repeat for Steps 2-5 for any remaining Unit Offers that you wish to update

Copy Unit Group

  1. To add the next day you want to deliver in the action select copy Unit Group
  2. You will need to modify these details:
    • code and name for your Unit Group
      • CODE: 1512FAMEL
      • DESCRIPTION: First aid Melbourne 15 December:
    • Start and End Date

Repeat this process until you have created all the days you wish to offer this unit.

NOTE: When you look at the course offer and click on the Unit Offers you will see that the units have been listed multiple times. This is OK and should be ignored. Every time you copy a unit group it will make another record of the Unit Offer.


Enrol Learners

Now that the Unit offers are established you can enrol Learners into the Short Course Offer.

Call Centre

The Call Centre Wizard has two options:

  • Enrolling a Learner
  • Viewing a summary of the Unit Offer
  1. On the Top Navigation Bar, click Learner.
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Call Centre
    • If you included the Unit Start Date in the Unit Offer Description, type the date
    • Example: 1011FAFIRSTAIDE.
  3. Enter part or all of the Unit Offer Code OR the Unit description and then click Search
  4. Click on ‘Choose Unit’.
  5. Type the name of your Learner then click Search. A list of Learners matching your results will appear
    • Learners appear if their first name, last name, refinternal, or refexternal contains the search text
    • If the Learner appears, click on their name
    • If the Learner does not appear, click on Add a New Client to create their Client record
    • Note: If you click on Add a New Client, you will be prompted to add all their details
      • Update AVETMISS or demographic details (optional)
    • When finished editing client record
    • Click Enrol and click OK to confirm
  6. Choose whether to:
    • Record a payment
    • Register another Learner into the same Unit Offer. This option is the most common option. Wisenet already knows the Unit offer, you just need to have the Learners names.
    • Finish

Multiple Units/Unit Group

  1. Navigate to Course Offers
  2. Search the relevant Course Offer
  3. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click on Details
  4. Click on the Action Menu located at the top right on the page, Select Add Course Enrolment
  5. Search for your Learner.
    • Note: you are able to enter a number of learners to Bulk Enrol
  6. Complete the following details:
    • Enrolment Status
    • Status
    • Study Mode
    • Start Date and End Date.
  7. Click Save and choose Unit Enrolments
  8. Tick the Checkbox to select the Unit Groups (when you click on a Unit Group, the Learner(s) will be automatically enrolled into all Unit Offers attached to that group) that you are enrolling the Learner(s) into
  9. Click Confirm Unit Enrolment Selection

NOTE: This ensure that all your learner are enrolled into the 2 or 3 units within the group. With the group set you with the correct Start and end Date and the Max Registrations your class is ready to go.


Update Unit Enrolment Outcomes

There are 2 ways that you can update Learner outcomes.

  1. When the Learners all have different outcomes in the same class


  1. When the Learners have the same outcome

Bulk Update