An invoice line item is a single entry on an invoice. In general, an invoice can have multiple line items representing the individual billing items of the invoice.
Within Wisenet, these are created manually using the Finance Items Dropdown Lists. Finance Items will allow multiple items to be associated with a single Fee Type, which links the account code/description and tax rate to the items.
Follow the instructions below on how to create Invoice Line Items before proceeding with generating an invoice.
Create Line Items
- Navigate to LRM > Finance > Settings
- Click on Finance Items
- On the Action Menu, click Add Finance Item
On the Add Finance Item drawer:
- Enter an Item Name & Code
- Note: The Item Name does not appear on your invoice. This are used for internal identification purpose only.
- Enter a Line Item Description
- Line Item Description appears on your invoice as an invoice line item that makes it identifiable for yourself and the recipient.
- Enter a Unit Amount (Tax Excl)
- The Unit Amount is tax-exclusive.
- The Unit Amount (Tax Incl) will be auto-calculated depending on the Tax Rate selected in the Fee Type.
- Use the toggle to set the Fee Type as Active
Click Save to make them available to be selected when adding line items to invoices.
Add Line Items to Invoices
Once Finance Items have been created, add all ‘Active’ Finance Items as Line Items when generating an invoice.
How to Generate an Invoice
- Navigate to LRM > Finance
- The Invoices page will open by default. Otherwise, use the left navigation bar and click on Invoices
- On the Invoices page, click Generate Invoice
- When the Create Invoice drawer opens, Learner is selected as Debtor by default
- Use the radio button to change the selection from Learner to Workplace if required
- If the relevant Debtor is visible on the table, in the Action column, click Select OR Search for the Debtor and click Select
- Complete the relevant fields such as:
- Invoice Issue Date
- Invoice Due Date
- Reference
- In the Line Items section, add your first line item by selecting an Item
- To add more Line Items to the invoice, Click on Add Line Item
- To remove a Line Item from the invoice, Click on the X icon next to the relevant item
Save as Draft OR Issue Invoice OR Schedule Invoice
Click Save as Draft allows you to come back to the same invoice for further editing at a later stage if an invoice creation is not yet finalised.
The Issue Invoice button will appear on the drawer for you to issue and send the invoice instantly if the Date of Issue field is today.
If you have a future date set as the Date of Issue, a Schedule Invoice button will appear:
- The invoice status will be shown as Scheduled instead of Issued
- On the scheduled date, the invoice will be automatically sent and the status will change to issued