Wisenet Debtors provides a centralised solution for managing debtor information. It complements the Aged Receivable Reporting feature by offering tools for tracking and managing outstanding balances.
Key Features
- Comprehensive Overview: View detailed debtor information, including the number of outstanding invoices, total outstanding balance, overdue invoices, overdue amounts, and available credit.
- Quick Follow-Ups: Send reminders to debtors with a single click, ensuring timely communication and reducing outstanding balances.
- Detailed Navigation: Access individual debtor transaction records by clicking on the debtor’s name.
- Customisable Filters: Use filters to search for specific debtor types, such as Workplaces or Learners, or refine results by debtor name or internal references like Student ID or Business Number.
How to use the Finance Debtors page
- Navigate to LRM > Finance > Debtors
- Use the search bar to search by name, or
- Apply filters:
- Debtor Name
- Debtor Type (e.g., Learner or Workplace)
- Debtor Internal Reference (e.g., Student ID for Learners or Business Number for Workplaces).
- Click on a name to open the Selected Debtor > Debtor Details page.

How to use the Debtor Details Page
- Account (Learner Debtors only):
- Verify that all enrolment line items have been invoiced.
- Generate invoices for pending account items.
- Remove account items that are not meant to be invoiced.
- Invoices:
- Resend an invoice.
- View invoice total and any amounts owing.
- Click on the Invoice Number to navigate to the Invoice Details page to:
- Apply an existing credit note.
- Generate a new credit note.
- Payments:
- View payment details.
- Click on the Receipt Number to open the Payment Details page to:
- Resend payment confirmation
- Refund a payment
- Credit Notes:
- Resend a credit note.
- Click on the Credit Note Number to access the Credit Note Details page
- Refunds:
- Click on the Refund Number to view the Refund Details page to:
- Resend refund confirmation
- Click on the Refund Number to view the Refund Details page to:
- Statements:
- View the debtor’s financial position and apply filters.
- Generate a single view of all transactions in T-account form, providing a clear breakdown of running balances.
- Export the debtor statement for reporting, reconciliation, or sharing purposes.