Introducing Workplace
Workplaces can be used for tracking details for any type of employment or training based organisation.
A workplace may be:
- An employer of your trainees and apprentices
- An organisation where your learners have work experience or placements
- Internal organisations or departments for employees who are learners
- A school that your ‘VET in school’ learners attend
- Delivery organisations
Set Up
Workplace Dropdowns
Before you can link a learner to a Workplace you must set up a Custom Dropdown. There are three Custom Dropdowns that you can customise:
- Positions (mandatory for VET providers who will be using Workplaces)
- Workplace Classification (recommended)
- Pay level (optional)
Learn More? How to Set Up Workplace Custom Dropdowns
Add Workplaces
Once you have set up Workplace Custom Dropdowns you can add a Workplace directly into Wisenet.
Learn More?
Link a Learner to a Workplace
A learner will not appear on a training plan or many workplace reports if you do not add the position to the learner. You can add:
- One Workplace and one workplace position
- One Workplace and multiple workplace positions
- Multiple Workplaces
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