
How To Upload Learner Photos

Adding a Learner photo to their Profile assists with identification and allows for personalisation of Learner record.

Before you begin:

Required LRM Access: Admin

Required Pre-Steps: Add a Learner


Navigate to LRM > Clients


Upload Learner Photo

If you have a webcam attached to your computer, you can take the photo directly from within Wisenet

  1. Open Client Profile Page
  2. Click Take Photo and follow prompts
  3. If you receive a warning message that your photo is not in the correct aspect, click Crop photo and follow the prompts
  1. Open Client Profile Page
  2. Click Photo and then Upload Photo
  3. Click Choose Photo and navigate to the relevant photo file
  4. Click Open or Save
  5. Click Upload Photo
  6. If you receive a warning message that your photo is not in the correct aspect, click Crop photo and follow the prompts


  • Photos must be jpg and smaller than 250KB
  • Photos cannot be uploaded from tablet and mobile devices. We advise uploading photos using a laptop or computer only.
  • If you are using Firefox Version 56.0.2 you may not be able to upload a photo when selecting the file. The successfully upload a photo in this scenario, please use the ‘Drag and Drop’ option.


Delete Photo
  1. Open Client Profile Page
  2. Click Photo > Delete
  3. When warning message appears, click OK