
Skills Tasmania

In January 2020, Skills Tasmania introduced a number of new Tasmanian-specific fields for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to report against in their training activity data.  To allow for challenges arising from COVID-19, errors in the new fields have been showing as warnings instead of errors when RTO submissions are processed by Skills Tasmania. However, this is changing from 1 October 2021 – see the important note below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: From 1 October 2021, these warnings will be changed to errors, and correct reporting of the new fields will be mandatory.  RTOs must resolve all errors prior to submission to Skills Tasmania because non-compliant data may impact training activity payments.

AVETMISS State Specific Fields for Tasmania

Here is a list of the Tasmanian-specific fields that were introduced in January 2020:

NAT80 file:

  • Client Industry of Employment – Learner > Demographics
  • Client Occupation Identifier – Learner > Demographics

NAT120 file:

  • Client Tuition Fee – Unit Enrolment
  • Program Enrolment Identifier – Course Enrolment (automatically generated)
  • Client Resource Fee – Unit Enrolment

NAT130 file:

  • Income Contingent Loan Indicator – Course Enrolment (Accessed VSL/VFH) 
  • Program Commencement Date – Course Enrolment (earliest unit start date) 
  • Program Enrolment Identifier – Course Enrolment (automatically generated)
  • Program Status Identifier – Course Enrolment
  • Client Resource Fee – Unit Enrolment
  • Client Tuition Fee – Unit Enrolment 

NOTE: All relevant specifications, including definitions can be found in the Tasmanian Specific Reporting Requirements for the AVETMISS VET Provider Collection.

State Funding Source Codes

Tasmania has unique State Funding Source codes which map to National Funding Source codes. The list can be found in State Funding Source Codes.

Reporting Requirements

Who should report

  • Endorsed Registered Training Organisations (ERTOs) with a funding agreement with Skills Tasmania are required to report training activity data to Skills Tasmania.
  • Any RTO delivering training to any resident of Tasmania is also required to report to the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards & Certification (TASC). Please refer to the TASC website for information on TASC reporting requirements.

When to report

Quarterly reporting is compulsory!

However, it is highly recommended to submit data on a monthly basis to facilitate payment against new training activity reported for that month to help ensure that any data quality issues are identified in a timely manner. Monthly processing allows for minor discrepancies in data with the expectation that matters raised will be attended to prior to the next submission.

LEARN MORE: Skills Tasmania Reporting my activity.


  • RTOs can apply for access to eVET, an internet-based system provided by Skills Tasmania which gives RTOs the ability to view information about apprenticeships or traineeships registered to their organisation. For more information, please visit the eVET information page.
  • ERTOs can choose to submit fee-for-service data along with funded activity data to Skills Tasmania. Skills Tasmania will then forward fee for service and funded training activity to NCVER on a quarterly basis. If fee-for-service data is not submitted along with funded data to Skills Tasmania, the RTO must submit fee for service data directly to NCVER.
  • Non-endorsed RTOs who deliver training in Tasmania, but do not have a funding agreement with Skills Tasmania are not required to report data to Skills Tasmania, but must report to the TASC and NCVER on a quarterly basis. TASC also require interim RTO reporting in December which informs Tasmanian Certificate of Education eligibility. Please refer to the TASC and NCVER websites for further information.

Need more information about your Skills Tasmania Reporting Requirements?

Refer to the contact details at Skills Tasmania.