
Learner Tuition Fee / Unit Enrolment Fees

The Learner Tuition Fee (or Course Fee for WA) is the term used in Exports. Wisenet uses the Unit Hourly Fee or Unit Fee to collect the required data. See below for the logic.

The Learner Tuition Fee for Queensland is reported from the Unit Fee in the Unit Enrolment. Defaults can be set at the Unit Offer to simplify the enrolment process.

When the outcome = 60 or 65 then it defaults to $0.

This field is entered as a dollar $ value.

  • $3.70
  • $250.50

However, it is exported as Four Digits

  • $3.70 exports as 0003
  • $250.50 exports as 0250

The department does NOT require the Unit Hourly Fee.  Only the Total Unit Fee is to be reported.

For exports, it does NOT auto calculate the hourly fee against nominal hours.

It will NOT export cents $0.30. It will only export full dollar amounts

The Learner Tuition Fee for Tasmania is reported from the Unit Fee in the Unit Enrolment. Defaults can be set at the Unit Offer to simplify the enrolment process.

Rounded to nearest dollar. Proportion $ across unit enrolments as required. Empty if Nat Fund Code NOT = 11, 13 or 15.

This field is entered as a dollar $ value.

  • $3.70
  • $250.50

However, it is exported as Four Digits

  • $3.70 exports as 0003
  • $250.50 exports as 0250

The department does NOT require the Unit Hourly Fee.  Only the Total Unit Fee is to be reported.

For exports, it does NOT auto calculate the hourly fee against nominal hours.

It will NOT export cents $0.30. It will only export full dollar amounts

The Learner Tuition Fee for Victoria is reported from the Unit Hourly Fee in the Unit Enrolment. Defaults can be set at the Unit Offer to simplify the enrolment process.

This field is entered as a dollar $ value.

  • $3.70
  • $10.50

However, it is exported as Four Digits

  • $3.70 exports as 0370
  • $10.50 exports as 1050

To check these details generate you can generate report #0486

How to Generate a Basic Report

The Course Fee for Western Australia must report the Total Fee and not the Hourly Fee. There is special logic for how this is exported to assist with data entry:

  • Collected from the Unit Fee in the Unit Enrolment
  • If Unit Fee is empty or $0 then Wisenet will calculate the value from Unit Hourly Fee x Sup Hours
  • If both are $0 it will report as $0

This field is entered as a dollar $ value.

  • $3.70
  • $250.50

However, it is exported as Four Digits

  • $3.70 exports as 0003
  • $250.50 exports as 0250

The department does NOT require the Unit Hourly Fee.  Only the Total Unit Fee is to be reported.

Wisenet will calculate the Unit Fee if left empty.

It will NOT export cents $0.30. It will only export full dollar amounts

This same logic is used for Unit Fee and RPL Fee calculations in the WA Enrolment Invoice

There are no requirements to collect Learner Tuition Fees for other states.

If you need to update the Fee values you can perform this in bulk.

How to Bulk Update

Always ensure that you apply the update to both Unit Offers and Enrolments.