
NAT File Guidelines

The NAT files have specific structures defined by National and State governments. While there are differences, the core structure is the same.

The NAT120 file is the most important and is used to control which data is included in all other files (The NAT130 is an exception which is based on completion logic)

Hence the NAT120 requirements is the most important file which controls which records are included/excluded and is the best place to start to diagnose NAT file issues.

The Training Organisation (NAT00010) file provides details of the organisation responsible for administering the information contained in the collection files.



The Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) file provides information about the geographic location of training activity undertaken by clients during the collection period.

For a Record to appear in the NAT00020 File it needs to have a record in the NAT00120 File

The Program (Course) (NAT00030) file provides information about programs (Courses) or skill sets that are undertaken and/or completed by clients during the collection period.

A record will only appear in the NAT30 when:

  • There is a matching Course record in the NAT120 or NAT130 Files
  • Therefore MUST have at least one Course Enrolment with a Commencing Course Identifier of 3 or 4 linked to the Course
  • Have a Course Code no longer than 10 Characters

The Subject (Module/Unit of Competency) (NAT00060) file provides information about subjects (modules and units of competency) that are undertaken and/or completed by clients during the collection period.

A record will only appear in the NAT60 when:

  • There is a matching Course record in the NAT120 File

Data checks:

To check which Unit Offer is appearing, use data integrity report 0777

  1. Run your desired AVETMISS export
  2. Go to Report and run report 0777

0777 will show you details of the NAT60 for your most recent export. This lets you see which Unit Offer is contributing the nominal hours to the NAT60

The Client (NAT00080) file provides information about clients who undertake and/or complete training activity during the collection period. This information is used to monitor client participation patterns and to provide information related to equity issues.

A record will only appear in the NAT80 when:

  • There is a matching Client record in the NAT120 or NAT130 Files

Additional Rules:

  • For Client demographics fields, where ‘not stated’ or blank, the export will put the ‘@’ symbols as required

The Client Postal Details (NAT00085) file provides client mailing address details for the purposes of conducting the Student Outcomes Survey and/or to invite students to participate in Department endorsed projects and/or training provider audits. Use of all student details, including student contact details, is consistent with the Student Enrolment Privacy Notice.

A record will only appear in the NAT85 when:

  • There is a matching Client record in the NAT120 or NAT130 Files

Additional Rules:

  • For Client demographics fields, where ‘not stated’ or blank, the export will put the ‘@’ symbols as required
  • If the Permanent Country is not “Australia” then the Postcode value will export as ‘OSPC’. If Postcode is empty, it will export as @@@@
  • SA & TAS Only
    • the mobile number must not include spaces in the export
    • it’s ok to include spaces when you enter the mobile number in the client record, because the export will remove them automatically.

The Client Disability (NAT00090) file provides information about the participation of clients who declare a disability, impairment or long-term condition.

A record will only appear in the NAT90 when:

  • There is a matching Client record in the NAT120 File
  • The Client has at least on Disability Value Set


  • This file will be blank if no students have a disability.

How to Submit Blank NAT files to AVS?

The Client Prior Education Achievement (NAT00100) file provides information about client pathways between VET and other educational sectors.

A record will only appear in the NAT100 when:

  • There is a matching Client record in the NAT120 File


  • The Client has at least one Prior Education Achieved Value Set


  • This file will be blank if no students have a disability.

How to Submit Blank NAT files to AVS?

The Enrolment (NAT00120) File provides information about training activity undertaken by Learners during the collection period. This information is used to measure training activity and output for the VET sector.

A record will only appear in the NAT120 when:

Course Enrolment Field:

  • ForAvetmiss is True

Unit Enrolment Fields:

  • Contract State matches selected export value
  • Contract Code matches selected export value
  • ForAvetmiss is True
  • Location is not empty
  • NOT have an Outcome Code that is empty OR @@ for any Export State
  • have a Unit Enrolment Start Date Year that is less than or equal to ( <= ) the Export Year (Exceptions see NSW and ACT below)
  • have a Unit Enrolment End Date Year that is greater than or equal to ( >= ) the Export Year (Exceptions see TAS)

State Specific Rules



  • have a Unit Enrolment Start Date Year that is less than or equal to (<=) the Export Year UNLESS the Outcome = 85 then the Unit Enrolment will always report
  • the Course Enrolment “For AV Export (NSW)” field must be True
  • there must be a NSW CommitmentID entered in Course Enrolment > Individual Contract ID.


For ACT you should only submit unit enrolments with training activity during the reporting period.

  • If you run the export before 30 April, unit enrolments that start after 31 March will not be included
  • If you run the export after 30 April and before 31 July, unit enrolments that start after 30 June will not be included
  • If you run the export after 31 July and before 31 October, unit enrolments that start after 30 September will not be included
  • If you run the export after 31 October, unit enrolments with a start date up til the end of the year will be included


  • School Location ID This is only required where the Vet in School Flag = Y and hence a SACEID is provided against a Learner.
    This requires specific Workplace setup
  • SACE ID – Add the SACE ID against Learner (Clients) > Personal Details > SACEID. This will report in the NAT120 in the Associated course identifier position.

Learn More? Reporting Requirements in South Australia


  • have a Unit Enrolment End Date that is greater than (>) the Export Year when Outcome = ’70’
  • have a Unit Enrolment End Date that is equal to the Export Year when the Outcome is NOT = 70

The Program (Qualification) Completed (NAT00130) file provides information about clients completing the requirements of qualifications. This information is used to measure the success of VET sector outcomes.

A record will only appear in the NAT130 when:

  • The Qual Issued Year must be equal to the selected Collection Year
    • The record does not need to exist in the NAT120 but does need to match the contract selection
    • Program Completion Date (Actual End Date) must be in the same year as the last Unit Enrolment End Date
  • The Qual Issue Flag is True
  • It will exclude Course Enrolments that have a Course Commencing Identifier = 8

Check Data:

If you have missing records you can generate a report:

  • 0359 and filter by COR End Date is in reporting year.
  • Download to Excel and then filter report to determine which records are missing Qual Issued Flag and/or Qual Issued Date or Program Completion Date

Vic Only

All Program Enrolments in the NAT120 will appear irrespective of Program Completion.

  • This means the count of records in the NAT130 is always at least as large as the count of records in the NAT80, and can be larger if a student studies towards more than one course in the same export year
  • If a Learner has no Year Program Completed, then when the export file is created those Learners will be reported with ‘Year Program Completed’ as @@@@.
  • Note that you cannot set a value of @@@@ in the field for Year Program Completed. The export will produce this value automatically if you simply ensure the Year Program Completed field is blank for a Learner who has not yet completed the course.

Vic and ACT

  • NAT130 excludes Program Enrolments where Commencing Course Identifier = 8.

NSW Only

  • All enrolments with a QualIssuedFlag = True irrespective of collection year will be reported where there is a matching record in NAT120 file.

TAS Only

All Program Enrolments in the NAT120 will appear irrespective of Program Completion.

  • This means the count of records in the NAT130 is always at least as large as the count of records in the NAT80, and can be larger if a student studies towards more than one course in the same export year