
Key Australian Government and Industry Websites

Implementation / Purchasing Guides and Nominal Hours

Generally, all states follow the Nationally Agreed Hours. You can find the nationally agreed nominal hours on the following NCVER webpage:

NCVER Unit Nominal Hours

It is important to note that the following states deviate from the Nationally Agreed Nominal Hours for some units. If delivering in these states, you will need to check the relevant guides put out by these states (you will find the relevant links in the table below):

  • Northern Territory*
  • Queensland
  • South Australia*
  • Tasmania
  • Victoria
  • Western Australia


  • National nominal hours are not currently listed on Training.gov
  • South Australia and Northern Territory use the nominal hours listed in the Victorian Purchasing Guides
  • Wise.NET makes every attept to ensure that this information is correct; however, this information may be subject to change and it is your RTOs responsibility to ensure that you check with the relevant government and industry bodies to ensure that you have the most accurate information