Allows you to update Course Enrolment details/fields for multiple Learners in the same Course Offer, including:
- Start and End Dates
- Proposed Start and End Dates
- Status
- Program Status
- Commencing Course ID
- Qual Issued
- Training Plan issued
- Estimated Yearly EFTSL
- Commencing Student Identifier
- Fee Type Indocator
Navigate to LRM > Offers
Select Enrolments
- Open the relevant Course Offer or Unit Offer
- On the Left Navigation Bar, click Enrolments
- Tick the checkbox next to each Learner’s name to select the Learners you wish to update
- At the bottom of the list, in the Action dropdown list, select Bulk update Course Enrolments
Update Fields
- Tick the field/s that you wish to update and enter the relevant data
- Click Perform Cascade