Related Features: LRM | User Access Roles | New User
Wisenet Learning Relationship Management (LRM) application is a government certified Student Management System in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Africa and the UK. We are AVETMISS, SDR and NZQA compliant.
As an LRM Owner your role will look at efficiently administering main sections in Wisenet LRM to meet your business and compliance requirements.
The flow chart below is a guide on where to start and what to set up and maintain.

Before You Begin
The basics for all or some of the sections below may have already been set up in Wisenet by your organisation during the Onboarding process. These are good to know features if you are ever required to administer any of these sections in Wisenet LRM.
The Organisation section of Wisenet is where you can add key details about your Training Organisation
Learn More? How to Add Organisation Details
Wisenet is able to import Courses and corresponding Units as they are listed on
Learn More? How to Import your Scope
A Course is a master copy and contains all the Units for that accredited qualifications. For non-accredited or Short Courses specific for your organisation it allows for a master Course to be created before adding Course Offers.
Learn More? Courses
A Unit is the set of details and standards regarding a specific module or subject of a Course. Units in Wisenet must belong to a specific Course.
Learn More? Units
Locations are used in Wisenet to tag delivery locations for each Course Offer. It is mandatory to identify locations for State and Federal Reporting. We generally recommend that a new location is added for each postcode. You must set up a Location for all delivery that you do.
Learn More? How to Add and Edit a Location
All VET learners MUST be linked to a Contract (also known as a Training Schedule). There are two types:
- Government Funded contract (either national or state)
- ‘Fee for Service’ contract where the Learner or their employer pays for the course
In Wisenet, you can add new Contracts and Training Schedules for each new contract year and link Contracts to appropriate Course Offers, Unit Offers and learner Enrolments. You can also run reports and exports filtered by Contracts.
Learn More? Contracts
The Staff section is where you record details of your Organisation’s Staff, including: trainers, assessors, education & training managers, administrators or consultants/contractors. Staff should only be entered into Wisenet once.
Learn More? Staff
Relevant to your Organisation and the country you are delivering training in, understand your compliance requirements by discovering a variety of compliance approaches that may underpin your organisation’s essential regulatory requirements, compliance and quality standards and guidelines.
Learn More? Compliance
Main Tasks
The basics for all or some of the sections below may have already been set up in Wisenet by your organisation during the Onboarding process. As LRM Owner you are required to administer these sections in Wisenet LRM.
We recommend having the LRM opened side-by- side with the instructions you are about to follow for ease of use.
Administer LRM Dashboard
Dashboards let you see information in real time. Different users will have different widgets depending on their security level.
As LRM Owner you will be able to see Analytics and All Tasks.
Learn More? Dashboards | LRM
Add & Edit Course Offers
A Course Offer is the organisation’s unique delivery for a Course that Learners are enrolled in. An organisation can have multiple Course Offers for the same Course. Course Offers are made up of Unit Offers that a Learner needs to study for the duration of their qualification. It is important that the Course Offer is created accurately to avoid errors with enrolments and for correct reporting.
Learn More? Course Offers
Add & Edit Unit Offers
- Link Unit Offers to Course Offers
- Set Unit of Study and Unit Groups
A Unit Offer represents the delivery instance of a Unit. It is always associated with a Course Offer and takes many of its default values from the Course Offer including:
- Key data that applies to the group (such as the trainer/s, delivery location, methodology and assessment)
- The government reporting requirements that apply to Learner course and unit enrolments (such as funding type)
It is important that the Course Offer is created accurately to avoid errors with enrolments and for correct reporting.
Learn More? Unit Offers
Add & Edit Learners
A Learner is the person who is completing training. They enrol into Course Offers and Unit Offers where progression is tracked. There are different types of Learners therefore different details are required to be collected depending on the type of Learner.
Learn More? Learners
Enrol Learners into Course Offer
Enrolment is the process of recording a Learner’s registration into a Course Offer. Before a Learner can enrol into a Course Offer it is critical that the Course Offers, Unit Offers and Learners are set up to suit your delivery method.
Learn More? Enrolment
Create uReport Template
- Generate uReports
uReport is an easy way to generate documents such as Credentials, Letters of Offer, Welcome Letters, CAN’s and Training Plan and other General templates. Custom templates is easy to create and update.
uReports are generated per Course Enrolment and can be ran individually for a Learner, in bulk for multiple Learners in a course offer or automatically with Learncycles. You can then email your personalised uReport document to each Learner or other recipients as an attachment.
Learn More? uReport | Generate uReport | Credentials | Letter of Offer | Invoices | Training Plans
Generate Exports
Depending on your funding and reporting requirement, generating Exports is critical to the ongoing management of your organisation.
Learn More? Exports
Generate Reports
Reports allow for extraction of data from Wisenet and we have hundreds of Reports to choose from. Before generating a Report it is important to reflect on the purpose of the report as you can achieve many different outcomes. Analyse what is the key data you require and in what type of format you require it. Then find the right report to generate.
Learn More? Reports
Add-On Tasks
The basics for all or some of the sections below may have already been set up in Wisenet by your organisation during the Onboarding process. As LRM Owner you may be required to administer these sections in Wisenet LRM.
We recommend having the LRM opened side-by-side with the instructions you are about to follow for ease of use.
Add / Edit Locations
Locations are used in Wisenet to tag delivery locations for each Course Offer. It is mandatory to identify locations for State and Federal Reporting. We generally recommend that a new location is added for each postcode. You must set up a Location for all delivery that you do.
Learn More? How to Add and Edit a Location
Add / Edit Staff
- Link Staff
- Allocate Access Levels
The Staff section is where you record details of your Organisation’s Staff, including: trainers, assessors, education & training managers, administrators or consultants/contractors. Staff should only be entered into Wisenet once.
Learn More? Staff
Add / Edit Workplaces
- Link Learners to Workplaces
Workplaces can be used for tracking details for any type of employment or training based organisation.
A workplace may be:
- An employer of your trainees and apprentices
- An organisation where your learners have work experience or placements
- Internal organisations or departments for employees who are learners
- A school that your ‘VET in school’ learners attend
- Delivery organisations
Learn More? Workplaces
Add Timetables
- Mark Attendance
The Wisenet Timetable function is a scheduling tool that allows you to:
- Record, track and monitor attendance
- Schedule classes
- Book training venues and teachers
- Register Learners into scheduled classes
- Produce class rolls
- Automatically calculate a student’s attendance %
- Generate reports for Courses or Learners that have minimum attendance requirements (eg. International Learners, licensing courses)
Learn More? Timetables and Attendance
Logbooks / Tasks / Messages
Logbook is where all your file notes, tasks, messages, documents and uReports are recorded and saved. It can be accessed in every section of Wisenet by simply clicking on Logbook from the Left Navigation Bar.
Learn More? Logbook
Set Learner App access
The Learner App allows learners to log into their own personalised account. The application works on any internet browser enabled device using a browser instead of downloading a mobile application.
Learn More? Learner App
Set Trainer App access
Trainers can view and modify data for your Training Organisation through the Trainer App. If linked as a trainer, users can access these main sections:
- Learners
- Enrolments
- Classes
- Reports and Attendance rolls
Learn More? Trainer App
Get things done quickly by using Wisenet Bulk Update feature and with more accuracy by automating your processes with Wisenet Learncycle Workflows. These will allow you to take unique control over your data, administration, and reports.
Bulk Updates can be performed in various areas of Wisenet saving you time and reducing errors.
Learn More? Bulk Update
Learncycle allows you to automatically update records and create Tasks, Documents and Messages which is triggered by key events in the Learner’s Lifecycle. Use your custom templates, or our standard ones, to send personalised messages and documents on your schedule.
Learn More? Learncycle