Introducing Elearning
Electronic Learning (Elearning) in simple term means using your computer to deliver part, or all of a course. It is learning that is conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet. There is a wealth of interactive designs that makes Elearning engaging for the users and valuable as a training delivery medium. Most training providers choose to use a Learning Management System (LMS) as a tool to manage their Elearning.
- Design and Develop Elearning courses
- Deploy Elearning courses
- All your Elearning content in one location
- Unlimited access Learner’s progress and performance
- Time and cost effective
- Compliant
Set Up
Decide if Elearning is for you
Depending on the type of courses and training you are delivering, decide whether Elearning will be beneficial for your organisation.
- If Yes, do your homework around the type of LMS that fits your purpose. Example, Cloud-Based LMS or Open Source LMS.
- If No, you may keep reading about this feature or search our Learn Resources to help you learn more about Elearning Integration in Wisenet.
Choose an LMS
Taking the time to explore and choose an LMS that suits your needs make it easier to align training cost with desired business outcomes.
Not limited to, but some aspects to consider are:
- How learners access their accounts
- How easy is it for learners to sign on and begin training
- Should you choose a ‘Self Sign Up’ system for your learners?
- What information they use to log in
- Where and how their personal information is stored
- Type and level of access
- How simple is it for the account manager to assign, manage and report on training
- Are there additional features that you can choose later – how flexible are the functions
- Cloud-hosting platforms or not, depending on the size of your training organisation
- Is this LMS commonly used in your industry and does it have good recommendations. For example Moodle and Canvas which are some of the most used learning platform in the Training Industry
LMS Hosting
If you are considering Moodle or Canvas as your preferred LMS platform, learn about Elearning Integration with Wisenet , or you can read more about BYO LMS.
Extended Functionality
Wisenet can assist you with meeting your Learning and Development strategies for your LMS by automatically authenticating and syncing:
- Enrolments and,
- Grades
Simply navigate to LRM > Connected Apps to connect Wisenet to your Elearning platform. This will allow you to sync enrolments and transfer results to ensure you are up to date with reporting and to remove double-handling of data.
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