
How to Edit Elearning Enrolments

You can change Enrolment Rules, Enrolment Methods, Groups and Notes.

Note: Each time an Elearning Enrolment is updated, it syncs to the Elearning platform.


Via Course Offer

NOTE: Even if the Elearning Course is connected to a Unit Offer, you must edit it from the relevant Course Offer page.

  1. Navigate to Selected Course Offer > Elearning.
  2. Click Elearning Enrolments
  3. Click Edit for the relevant Enrolment
  4. Edit one or more fields:
  5. Click Save.


Via Learner Profile

  1. Navigate to Selected Learner > Elearning.
  2. Click Elearning Enrolments
  3. Click Edit for the relevant Enrolment
  4. Edit one or more fields:
  5. Click Save.


Bulk Edit

Bulk edit Elearning Enrolments for a single Elearning Course.

  1. Navigate to LRM > Learners > Elearning Enrolments
  2. Select an Elearning Course
  3. Select one or more Enrolments
  4. Click Action > Edit
  5. Update one or more fields:
  6. Click Save.

NOTE: If you want to update the Enrolment Method to an automated Elearning Enrolment Rule, you must select Elearning enrolments that are enrolled only in Course Offers or only in Unit Offers.