
How to use Grouping for Elearning Integrations


When you link an Elearning course to a Wisenet Course Offer / Unit Offer, you can add a Group name. This will create a Group/Section in the Elearning Course. Any enrolments will be added as a member of this Group/Section.

Adding groups at the Offer level can eliminate a lot of manual group management.

You can also create a Group when editing one or more Elearning Enrolments.

Group names can be duplicated across Course Offers and Unit Offers in Wisenet.

Required LMS Access: Admin | Required Wisenet Access: Portal Admin and LRM Owner


Grouping in Moodle

To add a Learner to multiple groups, use the ; separator between each group name. For example, if learner A. Smith is to be enrolled in the following Moodle groups:

  • Melbourne
  • Evening
  • Bob Jones

Enter the following in the Group Box: Melbourne;Evening;Bob Jones

How to Restrict Group Management to Add Only (Moodle)

Choose whether you want Wisenet to only add Groups and not remove them. This is useful if you want to do Group management in both Wisenet and Moodle.

  1. Navigate to LRM > Settings > LRM (under App Settings)
  2. Toggle the Elearning Groups Restriction setting to ON.
  3. Click Save.

If Enabled, you can manage your Groups in Moodle and Wisenet will not remove any groups.
If Disabled, Wisenet will remove groups not in Wisenet

Note: If you have multiple course offers linked to one Moodle course and want to use different groups, then you must have the above setting ON to ensure the groups do not overwrite each other.


Grouping in Canvas

Groups in Canvas are called Sections.


Grouping in Brightspace

When you create Groups in Wisenet for Brightspace courses, these come into Brightspace as Sections. (Brightspace does have a feature called Groups, but this does not integrate with Wisenet. Do not use these Groups in Brightspace.)

When creating a Brightspace course, you must create it with Sections enabled.

A Learner can only be enrolled in one Section per Course in Brightspace.

Group management should be done in Wisenet. Updates to Groups in Wisenet will sync to Brightspace, but changes to Groups made directly in Brightspace will not sync to Wisenet.