
Janison Elearning Integration

How Janison Integration works

Link Wisenet to Janison to manage your Elearning Users and Enrolments.

How it works:

  1. Sync your Janison Courses with Wisenet
  2. Map Janison Courses to Wisenet Course Offers / Unit Offers
  3. Easily manage Janison Enrolments within Wisenet alongside Course Enrolments / Unit Enrolments
  4. Automatically enable/disable Janison access based on Learner progression
  5. Automatically create and update Users and Enrolments in Janison
  6. Set up Auto Grade Rules in Wisenet
  7. Sync Janison Grades to Wisenet, and update Unit Enrolment fields based on Grade Rules

Set Up

(Optional) Set up Elearning Enrolment rules

Elearning Enrolment Rules are set against Wisenet Course Enrolments and Unit Enrolments. Use the rules to automatically enable/disable Learner access to Janison.

How to set up Elearning Enrolment rules

Map Janison Courses to Wisenet

Map your Janison courses to Wisenet Course Offers / Unit Offers. You can also set default Elearning Enrolment Rules.

How to Link Elearning Courses to Wisenet Offers

Enrol Learners in Wisenet and sync them to Janison

You can enrol Learners into Janison courses:

  • During the Course Offer/Unit Offer enrolment, or
  • After the Course Offer/Unit Offer enrolment

The quickest way is to use quick enrol.

How to quick enrol Learners into Elearning Courses

You can also enrol Learners via the Course Offer or Learner Profile.

How to add Elearning Enrolments

NOTE: To enrol in an Elearning course, a Learner in Wisenet must have a username.

How to use Learner Usernames for Elearning Integrations

Auto Grade options for Janison

Use Auto Grade with your Janison integration.

Auto Grade


Edit or Disable Elearning Enrolments in Wisenet

How to Edit Elearning Enrolments

How to Disable or Delete Elearning Enrolments

Sync Janison Courses to Wisenet

Sync Janison courses to Wisenet any time you make changes to courses in Janison.

How to Sync Janison Courses to Wisenet

Event Alerts

Check Elearning Event Alerts to find when Elearning records are unsuccessfully processed.

How to use Elearning Event Alerts