
How to Customise User Invite in Moodle

You can customise User Invite in Moodle to send a default message to Learners containing their login details.

Required Moodle Access: Admin | Required Wisenet Access: Portal Admin and LRM Owner

Recommended Moodle Version: Check our Moodle page.


  1. In Moodle, Navigate to Administration
  2. Select and Click Site Administration


  1. Within the Site Administration Tab, Scroll down to find the Language Category
  2. Select and Click on Language Customisation


  1. From the DropDown Box choose and select the relevant language pack for your needs. i.e. English (en)
  2. Click Open language pack for editing
  3. When the loading percentage has reached 100% you will be able to click on the Continue button


  1. Select all the strings that are located in the Show strings of these components box
    • To select all, simultaneously press the Shift key on your keyboard and click on each string by using the scroll option
  2. Type newusernewpasswordtext into the String identified text field
  3. Click Show strings


  1. In the Local Customisation Section, Add your customised message

NOTE: Be careful when copying standard text to create your own. Some browsers and operating systems may not transfer the line breaks appropriately.

You may choose to use the following Placeholders in your customised text:

The First Name of the newly created user.
The Site Name of your LMS.
The Username for the newly created user.
The Randomly generated password of the newly created user.
The URL Address of your LMS.
The Support Contact name for your LMS.

2. Click Save Changes to the language pack

3. Click Continue to save the strings into your Moodle data directory