
How to use Learner Usernames for Elearning Integrations

To enrol in an Elearning course, a Learner in Wisenet must have a username.


Notes on Learner usernames

The Learner’s username is found at LRM > Selected Learner > Elearning.

The Learner’s username defaults to the Learner email address (found under LRM > Selected Learner > Learner Profile > Personal Details).

Learners in Wisenet can have the same email address, but they cannot have the same username. If a Learner is created with an existing email address, that Learner will have no username.

You can manually add, edit, or delete a Learner’s username.

To enrol a Learner in an Elearning course, a Learner must have a username.


Edit a Learner’s username

  1. Navigate to LRM > Selected Learner > Elearning
    • The username is at the top of the page.
  2. Click Change
  3. Add or edit:
    1. Learner email address (this will update their email in Selected Learner > Learner Profile > Personal Details)
    2. Learner username
    3. Learner app access expiry date
  4. Click Save.


Find Learners who have not synced to an Elearning Enrolment

Check Elearning Event Alerts to find when a Learner has not synced to an Elearning Enrolment.