To enrol in an Elearning course, a Learner in Wisenet must have a username.
Notes on Learner usernames
The Learner’s username is found at LRM > Selected Learner > Elearning.
The Learner’s username defaults to the Learner email address (found under LRM > Selected Learner > Learner Profile > Personal Details).
Learners in Wisenet can have the same email address, but they cannot have the same username. If a Learner is created with an existing email address, that Learner will have no username.
You can manually add, edit, or delete a Learner’s username.
To enrol a Learner in an Elearning course, a Learner must have a username.
Edit a Learner’s username
- Navigate to LRM > Selected Learner > Elearning
- The username is at the top of the page.
- Click Change
- Add or edit:
- Learner email address (this will update their email in Selected Learner > Learner Profile > Personal Details)
- Learner username
- Learner app access expiry date
- Click Save.
Find Learners who have not synced to an Elearning Enrolment
Check Elearning Event Alerts to find when a Learner has not synced to an Elearning Enrolment.