
Course Enrolment Journeys

For Funded Courses, Fee for Service and Federal Funded, VET in School (VETis), ACFE, and International Offshore

Enrolment is the process of recording a Learner’s registration into a Course.

Depending on your Training Contract and Funding Type, certain fields in Wisenet will require specific set up. However, the process overall is somewhat similar in adding a Course Enrolment.

We have separated the process into 7 steps below. Complete each step and choose the appropriate tab, where required, to set up for the correct delivery method.


I am looking for VET Student Loans!

I am looking for Foundation Skills Victoria!


We understand that you may feel overwhelmed with the amount of information available within the Course Enrolment Journey page, and the number of click-out links.

By default all the links in this page will open in a new Tab so you do not loose track of where you were on this page.

Instructions on how to import Courses and Units in Wisenet

Instructions on how to link a Learner to a Contract

Instructions on how to tag delivery locations for a Course Offer

Setting up Dropdown Lists, Checklists, Email and uReport Templates and Staff

Instructions on how to set up Course Offers

How to standardise and streamline part of the Course Enrolment process

Instructions on how to enrol Learners for each funding type

Instructions on how to finalise Learner enrolment records

1 . Courses and Units

Wisenet is able to import Courses and corresponding Units as they are listed on Training.gov.au

Check and Edit your Course and Unit Details accordingly

  • NOTE: If the courses are pre-accredited, then please set them up as Short Courses

2 . Contracts

Every learner must be linked to a contract for easy reporting. Select the relevant tab below that applies to the contract type you are required to set up.

Every state funded contract will have a contract code and description. Depending on the state, this may be referred to as contract ID or contract site ID or commitment ID.

Please click on the below link to create your specific state contracts.

How to Add or Edit a Contract and Training Schedule


  • In NSW, for a smart and skilled contract, the commitment ID is issued per student. Do not create a contract per student. Instead create a generic contract with:
    • Contract code = YYYYSAS
    • Description = YYYY Smart and Skilled
  • For WA, please ensure you add a start and end date for your contracts. So, you can filter contracts based on this contract end date value on the export page .
  • Some States require Booking IDs to be entered as the Training Schedule code.

Create a generic Fee For Service contract with:

  • Contract code = FFS
  • Description = Fee For Service

Now, repeat the same for the training schedule.

See How to Add or Edit a Contract and Training Schedule


If you deliver Fee For Service training in WA, please link the FFS contract to the Other (Aus) state. This will enable the national outcomes for you to choose under the unit enrolments.

If a School based trainee is enrolling into a VET investment funded program then you will have to create a contract with appropriate contract code and description. If the Learner is not funded, then attach the enrolment to a FFS contract.

Now, repeat the same for the training schedule.

See How to Add or Edit a Contract and Training Schedule

There is no specific contract that is required for ACFE programs. However, as contracts and training schedules are a mandatory field for any accredited course offer in Wisenet, please setup a contract as below:

  • Contract Code = ACFE
  • Contract Description = ACFE
  • State = Choose appropriately

Now, repeat the same for the training schedule.

For more information, see How to Add or Edit a Contract and Training Schedule

Every Learner must be linked to a contract for easy reporting. Create a generic Fee For Service contract with

  • Contract code = FFS
  • Description = Fee For Service
  • State = Appropriate states or Other (OS) for any other countries.

Now, repeat the same for the training schedule.

See How to Add or Edit a Contract and Training Schedule


The option Other (Aus) is used by RTOs in Western Australia to report to NCVER.

3 . Locations

Locations are used in Wisenet to tag delivery locations for each Course Offer.

It is mandatory to identify locations for State Reporting. We generally recommend that a new location is added for each postcode.

See How To Add and Edit a Location


If you deliver workplace based training and report the workplace location as the delivery location, please do not create a location per workplace at this point.

How to create a Workplace

It is mandatory to identify locations for any AVETMISS Reporting. We generally recommend that a new location is added for each postcode.

See How To Add and Edit a Location

How to Set Up School Location ID:

See the list of School Locations to get the location ID before you follow the steps below to set up your School Location ID.


Add School as a Workplace
  1. Navigate to LRM > Workplaces
  2. Search for the Workplace you wish to add to avoid adding a duplicate record
  3. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Add New
  4. In the Workplace Code section, enter the relevant Location ID (See the list of School Locations to get the location ID)
  5. Tick Yes if “School is Delivery Location
    • Choose either link to an existing location or add a new location
      • This will create a linked location record that will be auto updated with the same details as the Workplace to simplify location management
  6. Tick “Is School” and Add school type
  7. Enter the details of your workplace
  8. Click Confirm


Add Workplace Positions

This is required before a Learner can be linked to a Workplace Position.

  1. Open the Workplace you wish to add Positions
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Positions
  3. From the Action Menu, Select and Click Add
  4. Choose the relevant Position from the dropdown
  5. The Description and Reports To Position fields are optional
  6. Click Save

It is mandatory to identify locations for State Reporting. We generally recommend that a new location is added for each postcode.

See How To Add and Edit a Location

For international Offshore delivery, it is best to set the postcode as ”@@@@” or “OSPC” if the postcode is not Australian.

It is mandatory to identify locations for any AVETMISS Reporting. We generally recommend that a new location is added for each postcode.

See How To Add and Edit a Location

4 . Recommended (However, optional for certain Course Enrolment types)

Throughout Wisenet there are fields that use customisable dropdown lists. They allow you to manage what values are available for a specific field in a way that is meaningful for your organisation.

Some dropdown lists are important for your reporting purposes – such as Workplace Positions for Training Plans.

See How to Set Up Custom Dropdowns

Checklists – Only applicable for Funded and, FFS and Federal Funded

Checklists are usually used to track your enrolment tasks like collecting Ids, previous qualifications, pre-training reviews etc. Checklists can be added to all record types to collect additional data unique to your Training Organisation’s requirements. This information can be used to track progress or to display required content in custom reports eg. Letter of Offer and Training Plan.

Setting up master checklist items at this point will help later in the journey to set them up as template checklists.

See: How to Add, Edit or Delete a Checklist Item

Email Templates – Only applicable for Funded, FFS and Federal Funded

You can use email templates to standardise your communications and save time. Setting up email templates at this point will help later in the journey to set them up as automated messages under Course Offers.

See: How To Create and Edit an Email Template

uReport Templates – Only for Funded, FFS and Federal Funded, ACFE (optional), and International Offshore (optional)

Custom templates can be created and updated as quickly as editing a Word document and uploading a file. It is recommended you create custom templates for Training Plans and Credentials.

See Create a Custom uReport Template

Staff section is used to create trainer and assessor profiles. The profiles can be tagged to different course enrolments and unit enrolments.

See How To Add and Edit Staff

5 . Course Offers

Before you begin to setup Course Offers, it is important to check your Courses and Units to avoid any AVETMISS validation errors.

If you haven’t created your Course yet, you can learn more about How To Import Your Scope

There are different ways to create a course offer. You can either create a course offer per contract term or create a course offer per calendar year.

For more information, please see How To Add a Course Offer

All AVETMISS details must be completed to avoid any missing data in your course enrolments.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

Adding Unit Offers and updating Fee informationSetting defaults for Unit Fee informationAdding Course Enrolment Checklists

A Unit Offer represents the delivery instance of a Unit. It is always associated with a Course Offer and takes many of its default values from the Course Offer including:

Key data that applies to the group (such as the trainer/s, delivery location, methodology and assessment). The government reporting requirements that apply to Learner course and unit enrolments (such as funding type)

See How To Add, Edit or Delete Unit Offers

This step will allow you to set unit fees and other defaults like Trainers and Assessment methods. See How To Set Unit Offer Defaults

You can quickly add default Enrolment Checklists during the enrolment process by setting up Enrolment Checklist Templates against a Course Offer or Unit Offer.

This allows you to select which Checklists with desired Checklists values. This can save a lot of time during enrolments.

See How to Set Up Enrolment Checklist Templates

There are different ways to create a course offer. You can either create a course offer per intake or per calendar year.

See How To Add a Course Offer

All AVETMISS details must be completed to avoid any missing data in your course enrolments.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

Adding Unit Offers and updating Fee informationSetting defaults for Unit Fee informationAdding Course Enrolment Checklists

A Unit Offer represents the delivery instance of a Unit. It is always associated with a Course Offer and takes many of its default values from the Course Offer including:

Key data that applies to the group (such as the trainer/s, delivery location, methodology and assessment). The government reporting requirements that apply to Learner course and unit enrolments (such as funding type)

See How To Add, Edit or Delete Unit Offers

This step will allow you to set unit fees and other defaults like Trainers and Assessment methods. See How To Set Unit Offer Defaults

You can quickly add default Enrolment Checklists during the enrolment process by setting up Enrolment Checklist Templates against a Course Offer or Unit Offer.

This allows you to select which Checklists with desired Checklists values. This can save a lot of time during enrolments.

See How to Set Up Enrolment Checklist Templates

There are different ways to create a course offer. You can either create a course offer per contract term or create a course offer per calendar year.

See How To Add a Course Offer

All AVETMISS details must be completed to avoid any missing data in your course enrolments.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

There are different ways to create a course offer. You can either create a course offer per contract term or create a course offer per calendar year.

See How To Add a Course Offer

All AVETMISS details must be completed to avoid any missing data in your course enrolments.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

There are different ways to create a course offer. You can either create a course offer per intake or per calendar year.

See How To Add a Course Offer

All AVETMISS details must be completed to avoid any missing data in your course enrolments.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

6 . Learncycles

Learncycles allows you to automatically update records and create Tasks, Documents and Messages which is triggered by key events in the Learner’s Lifecycle. Use your custom templates, or our standard ones, to send personalised messages and documents on your schedule.

See Getting Started: Learncycle

7 . The Enrolment Process

The enrolment process for a funded learner is no different to a regular full fee paying student.

See How To Enrol Learners

You must ensure that all relevant compliance fields are completed depending on the state training guidelines.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

Manually Generating Training PlansUpdating Outcome CodesReporting to State Training Authorities

NOTE: This step is to be completed if you are on a Standard edition or if you are not creating the training plans using Learncycles.

Generating a Training Plan is achieved using the uReport feature.  It uses Training Plan template documents to format and input required Training Plan information.

See How To Generate a Training Plan

NOTE: For NSW training plans, see NSW Training Plan checklists

Updating outcomes are a crucial part of funded training. Please ensure that you refer to our article on state outcomes to understand the different outcomes you can use for your state training purposes. See Outcome Codes (Australia)

Now refer to the below article links on:

State Training Authorities are government departments in each State or Territory responsible for the operation of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system (including Australian Apprenticeships) within that jurisdiction.

Each STA participates in the formulation of national policy, planning and objectives, and promotes and implements the agreed policies and priorities in the State or Territory. Wisenet’s exports are designed to allow reporting of relevant export years relative to today’s date. Once the data submission period is locked for the year it is very rare for customers to need to report on data beyond that point. For more information on how to generate AVETMISS exports, please see Exports

The enrolment process is very simple for a regular full fee paying student.

See How To Enrol Learners

You must ensure that all relevant compliance fields are completed depending AVETMISS requirements.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

Updating Outcome CodesReporting to NCVER

Updating outcomes are a crucial part of training. Please ensure that you refer to our article on state outcomes to understand the different outcomes you can use for your state training purposes. See Outcome Codes (Australia)

Now refer to the below article links on:

If you are wanting to store assessments per unit in Wisenet, then you can either upload them into the Course enrolment logbook or the unit enrolment logbook. For more information see: Logbooks

You may also want to add resits and reassessments as part of your process. This is best managed as checklists in Wisenet. See Checklist suggestions and examples

This article will show you How to Add, Edit or Delete a Checklist Item

All registered training organisations (RTOs) need to collect and report AVETMISS data on all accredited training activity. As the AVETMISS custodian, NCVER collects AVETMISS information under the authority of the regulatory bodies for RTOs. For more information on how to generate AVETMISS exports, please see Exports

The enrolment process for a funded learner is no different to a regular full fee paying student.

See How To Enrol Learners

You must ensure that all relevant compliance fields are completed depending on the state training guidelines.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

Link Workplace to the LearnerLinking Schools to Course EnrolmentsGenerating Training PlansUpdating Outcome CodesReporting to State Training Authorities

NOTE: In this case the workplace is the school

  1. Open the Learner record
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Positions
  3. From the Action Menu, Select and Click Add
  4. Fill out the details as applicable, when you start to type the list will populate
  5. Click Save

  1. Open the Learner record
  2. Choose the relevant course enrolment
  3. From the Action Menu, Select ‘Edit Course Enrolments’
  4. Find the field Learner Position under Detail
  5. Choose the appropriate School from the dropdown
  6. Click Save and Finish

Generating a Training Plan is achieved using the uReport feature.  It uses Training Plan template documents to format and input required Training Plan information.

See How To Generate a Training Plan

Updating outcomes are a crucial part of funded training. Please ensure that you refer to our article on state outcomes to understand the different outcomes you can use for your state training purposes. See Outcome Codes (Australia)

Now refer to the below article links on:

State Training Authorities are government departments in each State or Territory responsible for the operation of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system (including Australian Apprenticeships) within that jurisdiction.

Each STA participates in the formulation of national policy, planning and objectives, and promotes and implements the agreed policies and priorities in the State or Territory. Wisenet’s exports are designed to allow reporting of relevant export years relative to today’s date. Once the data submission period is locked for the year it is very rare for customers to need to report on data beyond that point. For more information on how to generate AVETMISS exports, please see Exports

The enrolment process for a funded learner is no different to a regular full fee paying student.

See How To Enrol Learners

You must ensure that all relevant compliance fields are completed depending on the state training guidelines.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

Updating Outcome CodesReporting

Updating outcomes are a crucial part of funded training. Please ensure that you refer to our article on state outcomes to understand the different outcomes you can use for your state training purposes. See Outcome Codes (Australia)

Now refer to the below article links on:

To obtain this ACFE enrolment and hour summary from within Wisenet you can run report 0485. Find and click on the report then click Generate Report. You will be prompted to enter a Year before selecting View Report. The benefit of using this report is that you can do this at anytime without needing to upload to SVTS. This is similar to your SVTS “Enrollment Activity Report” to track module enrolments and hours for each course ID.

See How To Generate a Report

The enrolment process is very simple for a regular full fee paying student.  See How To Enrol Learners

You must ensure that all relevant compliance fields are completed depending AVETMISS requirements.  See Field Guidelines: Australia

Create Learner ProfilesGenerating Training PlansUpdating Outcome CodesReporting to NCVER

Prior to a Learner starting a Course they need to be entered into Wisenet. It is important that all the relevant fields in their Profile be completed to avoid errors when reporting. See How To Add or Edit a Learner

NOTE: Clients may not answer all of the required questions on the enrolment form. AVETMISS requires that certain fields must not be blank in the client specific NAT file (NAT00080 file). If a client has not provided information, you will need to enter the appropriate “not specified” response in the field, as per the table below.

The responses in this table should also be entered in place of any fields which RTOs are exempt from reporting:

Generating a Training Plan is achieved using the uReport feature.  It uses Training Plan template documents to format and input required Training Plan information. See How To Generate a Training Plan

Updating outcomes are a crucial part of training. Please ensure that you refer to our article on state outcomes to understand the different outcomes you can use for your state training purposes. See Outcome Codes (Australia)

Now refer to the below article links on:

If you are wanting to store assessments per unit in Wisenet, then you can either upload them into the Course enrolment logbook or the unit enrolment logbook. For more information see: Logbooks

You may also want to add resits and reassessments as part of your process. This is best managed as checklists in Wisenet. See Checklist suggestions and examples

This article will show you How to Add, Edit or Delete a Checklist Item

All registered training organisations (RTOs) need to collect and report AVETMISS data on all accredited training activity. As the AVETMISS custodian, NCVER collects AVETMISS information under the authority of the regulatory bodies for RTOs. For more information on how to generate AVETMISS exports, please see Exports

8 . Completion

When a Learner withdraws or completes their enrolment, their records need to be finalised. This can assist with correct reporting.

See How To Finalise a Learner