
Foundation Skills Victoria

A Foundation Skills course falls into a skills demand area which the Victorian government offer higher funding for. Before a Learner can enrol into a Course Offer it is critical that the below areas have been setup according to the AVETMISS requirements.

Wisenet is able to import Courses and corresponding Units as they are listed on Training.gov.au.

Check and Edit your Course and Unit Details accordingly

  • NOTE: If the courses are pre-accredited, then please set them up as Short Courses.


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Checklists are usually used to track your enrolment tasks like collecting Ids, previous qualifications, pre-training reviews etc. Checklists can be added to all record types to collect additional data unique to your Training Organisation’s requirements. This information can be used to track progress or to display required content in custom reports eg. Letter of Offer and Training Plan.

Setting up master checklist items at this point will help later in the journey to set them up as template checklists.

See: How to Add, Edit or Delete a Checklist Item

The following checklists are important to record and report Foundation Skills LLN Assessments


Every learner must be linked to a contract for easy reporting and, every state funded contract will have a contract code and description. Depending on the state, this may be referred to as contract ID or contract site ID or commitment ID.

See How to Add or Edit a Contract and Training Schedule


Locations are used in Wisenet to tag delivery locations for each Course Offer. It is mandatory to identify locations for State Reporting. We generally recommend that a new location is added for each postcode.

See How To Add and Edit a Location

Course Offers

Before you begin to setup Course Offers, it is important to check your Courses and Units to avoid any AVETMISS validation errors.

There are different ways to create a course offer. You can either create a course offer per contract term or create a course offer per calendar year.

See How To Add a Course Offer

All AVETMISS details must be completed to avoid any missing data in your course enrolments.

See Field Guidelines: Australia

Enrolment Checklist Templates

Add the LLN Assessment Checklist you created earlier to your Foundation Skills course offers as course enrolment template checklists.

When you copy a course offer you can copy all the enrolment checklist template items too.

See: How to Set Up Enrolment Checklist Templates

If your learners are already in the course offer, then remember to bulk add the checklist items to their enrolments

See: How To Bulk Add, Remove and Update Checklists

Enrolment Process

The enrolment process is very simple for a funded student.  See How To Enrol Learners

NOTE: Select a value for Assessment Type under each Course Enrolment:

  • Update the ‘LLN Assessment Type’ in the Client course enrolment to record which kind of assessment was used.
  • You must ensure that all relevant compliance fields are completed depending on AVETMISS requirements. See Field Guidelines: Australia
Update Individual ResultsUpdating Outcome Codes

In the Learner’s course enrolment checklist items, update the ‘Amount’ field to show the learner’s assessment result:

  • Make sure the checklist item is marked as completed
  • this report only shows the first two decimal places according to the reporting requirements
  • values less than 0.01 will report as 0

Updating outcomes are a crucial part of training. Please ensure that you refer to our article on state outcomes to understand the different outcomes you can use for your state training purposes. See Outcome Codes (Australia)

Now refer to the below article links on:


Learncycles allows you to automatically update records and create Tasks, Documents and Messages which is triggered by key events in the Learner’s Lifecycle. Use your custom templates, or our standard ones, to send personalised messages and documents on your schedule.

See Getting Started: Learncycle


When a Learner withdraws or completes their enrolment their records need to be finalised. This can assist with correct reporting.

See How To Finalise a Learner


To report Foundation Skills Victoria Funding, please run report 0541 and upload to SVTS.

NOTE: To retrieve the csv you should click on ‘Download report’ then ‘Export’ and select ‘csv’ as the export format. If you click on ‘Download as excel’ in step 6 of the Report wizard it will not work properly.

Field Mapping for Report 0541