
How To Set Unit Offer Defaults

This function allows you to bulk update details for Unit Offers such as:

  • Start and End dates
  • Delivery mode
  • Assessment method
  • Trainer and Assessor details
  • Unit Hours
Before you begin:

Required LRM Access: Admin

Required Pre-Steps:  Short Course Offer, Course Offer, Enrolment

Setting bulk defaults for Unit Offers or Unit Enrolments cannot be undone. Ensure information is correct before proceeding with default values.


Navigate to LRM > Offers 


Select appropriate default option

Set defaults for multiple Unit Offers from a Course Offer.

To get your list of Unit Offers

  1. Open relevant Course Offer
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers
  3. Tick the Unit Offers that you wish to update
  4. In the action menu below the grid, select Set defaults for selected Unit Offers
  5. In the Save New Values to select one of the following:
    • Unit Offers
    • Unit Enrolments
    • Unit Offers AND Unit Enrolments
  6. Tick the values that you wish to update and enter the details
  7. Click  Update

Defaults for a Unit Group can only be used if Unit Groups have already been created. This is usually used for Short Courses.

  1. Open the relevant Course Offer
  2. Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers then Unit Group 
  3. For the group that you wish to modify, click the Action dropdown at the right-hand side and select Set Unit Offer Defaults
  4. Select the Unit Offers within the group that you wish to modify
  5. Under the Unit Offer grid select Action and choose Set Defaults for Selected Unit Offers
  6. In the Save New Values to select one of the following:
  7. Tick the values that you wish to update and enter the details
  8. Click Update
  9. Repeat for Steps 2-5 for any remaining Unit Offers that you wish to update

Defaults for a Unit of Study can only be used if Unit of Study have already been created. This is usually used for VET Student Loans.

  1. Open the relevant Course Offer
  2. Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers and Unit of Study
  3. For the group that you wish to modify, click the Action dropdown at the right-hand side and select Set Unit Offer Defaults
  4. Select the Unit Offers within the group that you wish to modify
  5. Under the Unit Offer grid select Action and choose Set Defaults for Selected Unit Offers
  6. In the Save New Values to select one of the following:
  7. Tick the values that you wish to update and enter the details
  8. Click Update
  9. Repeat for Steps 2-5 for any remaining unit offers that you wish to update

This allows you to set defaults for multiple Unit Offers attached to a single Unit even across Course Offers

To get your list of Unit Offers

  1. Open relevant Unit
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Unit Offers
  3. Tick the Unit Offers that you wish to update
  4. In the Action menu below the grid, select Set defaults for selected Unit Offers
  5. In the Save New Values to select one of the following:
    • Unit Offers
    • Unit Enrolments
    • Unit Offers AND Unit Enrolments
  6. Tick the values that you wish to update and enter the details
  7. Click  Update

When selecting your defaults please ensure you apply the appropriate value of either Unit Offer, Unit Enrolments or both as this action cannot be reversed.