
How To Bulk Update Unit Enrolments for Individual Learners

This Bulk Update is used to update multiple fields for One Course Enrolment for a Learner.

Before you begin:

Required Knowledge: Bulk Update

Required LRM Access: Admin

Required Pre-Steps: Enrolment, Unit Offers


Navigate to LRM >Learners


Select the Learner
  1. Open the relevant Learner Profile page
  2. For the relevant Course Enrolment in the Action menu click View Unit Enrolments
  3. Select the Unit Enrolments that you want to update (click the first check box to select all Unit Enrolments)


Select Bulk Update Option

This allows you to update Unit Enrolment details across many fields for an individual Learner.

  1. Under the list of Unit Enrolments in the Action Dropdown – select Update Unit Enrolments
  2. Individually update all the selected Unit Enrolments
  3. Click Update Selected Units

This Bulk Update only allows the same fields in each Unit Enrolment to be updated.

  1. Under the list of Unit Enrolments – in the Action Dropdown , select Bulk Update Unit Enrolments
  2. Tick the fields that you wish to update and enter the relevant details
  3. Click Apply Changes
  • For fields that have two checkboxes – tick the left checkbox to update the field and the right checkbox indicates what will be updated
  • If you tick a field, and leave it blank – any data in that field will be wiped