
How To Create and Edit an Email Template

Use email templates to standardise your communications and save time. Use them for:

  • Learners for keeping in touch with your Learners
  • Learncycle for automating Learner lifecycle management
  • uReport for individually distributing documents to a group of Learners
  • Surveys for getting Learner feedback
  • The Learner App for creating and managing Learner App access
  • Credentials for emailing Certificates to Learners
  • Sales Contacts for quickly responding to Sales Contacts at different stages

Required LRM Access: Owner, Admin


Add an Email Template

For Premium customers only.

  1. Navigate to LRM > Settings > Email Templates (under Configuration)
  2. Click Add Template.
  3. Select a Section (Agent, Course Enrolment, Learner, Sales Contact)
  4. Enter a Template Name
  5. Enter a Description
  6. Toggle the Is Active toggle to YES or NO.
  7. Enter the email Subject
  8. Enter the email Body
    1. Add rich-text content, placeholders, and media as needed.
  9. Click Save.


Edit an Email Template

  1. Navigate to LRM > Settings > Email Templates (under Configuration)
  2. Click on the email template name
  3.  Edit one or more of:
    • Is Active toggle
    • Email Subject
    • Email Body
  4. Click Save.


Notes on Email Templates

Your template will contain a mixture of:

  • Rich HTML Formatted Text: Content that remains the same in every email.
  • Placeholders for Wisenet Fields: Dynamic fields such as learner name, course name. Placeholders are enclosed in hash symbols (e.g., #Client.FirstName#).

Important Notes:

  • Fixed text will remain unchanged, while placeholders are replaced with corresponding values from Wisenet records.
  • Be cautious of unwanted HTML tags and formatting when copying text from external sources. Refer to the Email Messaging FAQ for guidance.
  • Always test your email template before using it.

Is Active Toggle

When you set an email template to inactive, Learncycles using this email template will still send. To stop Learncycles from sending the email, edit the Learncycles directly.


Placeholders can be added to both the Subject line and Body. Copy a placeholder from the email body and add it to the subject line.

Only placeholders available in the dropdown list can be used. Custom placeholders are not supported.

Media Files

Media files must be uploaded to Public Files in Settings before using in email templates.

Email length

Email messages are limited to 10,000 characters.

How to add an Unsubscribe Link

  1. Click the HTML Source Code button in the rich text toolbar.
  2. Paste the unsubscribe link code at the bottom of the email body:
    <a href="mailto:youremail@example.com?subject=Unsubscribe">Unsubscribe</a>
  3. Replace youremail@example.com with your organisation’s email address.
  4. Return to normal editing mode by clicking the HTML Source Code button again.