
How To Bulk Update with Cascade Wizard

The Cascade Wizard allows for changes made to Course Offers to cascade or copy over to Unit Offers and/or Unit Enrolments.

It can be used to change fields such as:

  • Location
  • Training Schedule
  • Delivery Mode etc
Before you begin:

Required Knowledge:

Required LRM Access: Admin

Required Pre-Steps: Enrolments, Reports, Updated Course Offers fields


Navigate to LRM > Offers 


Choose Cascade
  1. Find relevant Course Offer
  2. Select Action and Cascade Wizard

Click image to enlarge



Make sure you have already updated the relevant Fields in the Course Offer that you wish to cascade.

Take time to consider where you need this information to cascade to: Unit Offers or Unit Enrolments or Both. This action cannot be reversed

Cascade Information To:
  1. When the Cascade Wizard opens, choose to cascade the changes to:
    • Unit offers
    • Unit Enrolments
    • Both (Default value)

Click image to enlarge


Choose Fields and Apply Criteria
  1. In the Include in Cascade column tick the relevant Fields that you wish to cascade
    • You can see the current Course Offer value that will be cascaded
  2. In the Criteria for Updating Client Unit Registrations you can set specific conditions for when a Unit Enrolment will be updated
    • This will not apply to Unit Offer updates
    • Setting no criteria will update all linked Unit Enrolments
  3. Once ready select Cascade Selected Checkboxes

Click image to enlarge


Confirm Cascade
  1. You will now see a summary of the changes that will occur
  2. If this does not look right then select Back and review your setup in the previous step
  3. If it looks correct then select Proceed with Cascade
  4. This will update and take you back to the Course Offer details screen

Click image to enlarge