

Introducing Qualifications

Issue qualifications to your Learners with Wisenet’s Qualifications feature.

What it does

Create Qualifications, enroll your Learners, and issue Qualifications once Learners have achieved them, all within Wisenet. You can add Majors to Qualifications and use Defined Rules to specify how a Learner can achieve the Qualification. Audit your Learners to see how close they are to achieving it, and once they have, issue Qualifications individually or in bulk.

What it means

All Qualification admin is done within Wisenet to save you time and reduce errors.
Keep on top of where Learners are at with their Qualifications.

Instead of using a third-party qualifications tool or trying to manage it manually, you can now manage the entire Qualifications process right within Wisenet.

Set Up

Add Qualifications

Add Qualifications for your Learners to work towards.

Add and Edit a Qualification

Add Qualification Majors

Once you have a qualification set up, add your majors underneath this qualification.

Add and Edit a Major

Qualification Defined Rules and Unit Sets

Use Unit Sets to create Defined Rules which define how a Learner can achieve a Qualification Major.

Add Defined Rules and Unit Sets to a Major