Follow the instructions below on how to set up and manage Public Files in LRM.
Navigate to LRM > Settings
In the General widget, click on Public Files

- On the Top Right Corner, click the Upload File button
- In the Upload File drawer
- Enter a File Name
- NOTE: If a Filename already exists, you will receive a message when you click Save. If you want to overwrite the file then set the same filename.
- Either Drag and Drop a file or click to upload a file in the File Upload box
- Enter a File Name
- Click Save
- The uploaded file will now appear in the Public Files table

Managing Public Files
Uploaded Files are displayed in alphabetical order under the File Name column.
Use the Search option to quickly find the file you are looking for.
NOTE: Once you have successfully uploaded a file, you cannot edit it. If you have uploaded the wrong file, you can delete it and re-upload the correct file.
Deleting Files
IMPORTANT NOTE: Deleting a Public File will mean that any Email or Form referencing the Files URL will no longer open. Be cautious before deleting.
If you need to delete a file because it is either no longer required or the wrong file has been uploaded and you are sure that the File URL is not referenced in any Email or Form, then:
1. Click on the ‘3 dots’ next to the relevant file and click Delete File

2. A ‘Confirmation Required!’ message box will appear. Please read the message carefully and to confirm deletion, type the word delete in the text input field provided
3. Then click Yes, delete