
Form Management: Date Validation

On Application Forms and Contact Forms, when you add a date field, you can add validation to restrict the dates that a person can enter.

You can add date validation to standard form fields and custom form fields.

NOTE: When you specify a minimum date, you cannot enter a date earlier than the minimum date.

When you specify a maximum date, you cannot enter a date later than the maximum date.



Set Date Validations

  1. Navigate to Settings > Form Management > My Forms
  2. Click on the relevant form name.
  3. Locate the date field and click the Edit icon.
  4. You have the option to set a Minimum Date and/or a Maximum Date. The dates can be Absolute (e.g. 1st June 2024) or Relative (e.g. 3 years in the past).
  5. See steps 2-4 for example validations.


Example 1: Only accept applicants who have arrived in Australia on or after 1st June 2020

  1. Create a Custom Field with a name like “Date arrived in Australia”
  2. Add the custom field to your Application Form
  3. Edit your custom field:
    1. Check the Required box.
    2. Check Set Minimum Date
    3. In the first dropdown, select Absolute
    4. In the date field, select 1st June 2020.
  4. Click outside of the drawer to save.

NOTE: Do not set a Maximum date.

When you specify a minimum date of 1st June 2020, applicants cannot enter a date earlier than this.


Example 2: Only accept applicants who have at least six months left on their visa

  1. Add the field Learner Visa Expiry Date to your Application Form.
  2. Edit the field:
    1. Check the Required box.
    2. Check Set Minimum Date
    3. In the first dropdown, select Relative
    4. In the Value field, enter 6
    5. In the Unit field, enter Months
    6. In the Timing field, select Future
  3. Click outside of the drawer to save.

NOTE: Do not set a Maximum date.

When you specify a minimum date of six months in the future, applicants cannot enter a date earlier than this, e.g. five months in the future.


Example 3: Only accept applicants who are 16 years and older

  1. Add the field Learner Date of Birth to your Application Form.
  2. Edit the field:
    1. Check the Required box.
    2. Check Set Maximum Date
    3. In the first dropdown, select Relative
    4. In the Value field, enter 16
    5. In the Unit field, enter Years
    6. In the Timing field, select Past
  3. Click outside of the drawer to save.

NOTE: Do not set a Minimum date.

When you specify a maximum date of 16 years ago, you cannot enter a date later than this (e.g. 15 years ago).

NOTE: This option means that people can only apply if they are 16 years old at the date of application. If you require students to be 16 at the date of course commencement:

If you open applications three months before course start date, set the Maximum Date to be 15 years and 9 months (= 195 months).  Add a note on the application form to say learners must be 16 at course commencement. You may need to manually check applicants whose birthdays fall very close to the course start date.