This is where students will have the option to apply for the courses you have to offer.
It is important to have your Course Offers in LRM first before you can proceed with publishing them to Sales+.
Add Course Offers to LRM
Please ensure that you have your Course Offers ready in Wisenet.
Navigate to LRM > Offers
Publish Options
- Select the Course Offer you want to publish
- On the left navigation bar, click on Sales
- The default Publish Type is set to Manual
- If you need to change the type to be Private or Public
- On the right right hand corner, click Actions and select Edit
- Use the Publish Type dropdown to make your selection
- Add a Publish Name
- If you have multiple sites, select whether to publish the Course Offer to:
- All Sites, or
- Specific Sites – Use the Dropdown box to select the relevant site

- Select whether to make the published course visible for:
- Always, or
- A specific period of time – Enter a From Date and a To Date
- Toggle to choose whether you want to publish the Course Offer Dates for applicants to see
Additional Courses (PREMIUM EDITION ONLY)
- Use the toggle button to Select whether to allow an applicant to apply for additional Course Offers when applying for this Course Offer.
- Select one or more Course Offers
- Only Course Offers published to Sales+ will appear.
- You can add a maximum of ten additional Course Offers for the applicant to choose from. However, please note that an applicant can only choose a maximum of five additional courses on the application form.
- Course Offers with a ‘world icon’ have the Publish Type set to Public.
- Regardless of any additional Course Offers selected, the applicant will only need to complete the Primary Course Offer application form and payment.
- Additional Course Offers will not have any ‘Auto’ options.
- All additional Course Offers will come into Wisenet as ‘New Applications’.
LEARN MORE: Multiple Intakes

Additional Information
Add any General and Price info.
Applicable for Premium Edition Only – Add Application Link – This is the link that will appear next to the published course for Learners to click and start the application process.
- Enter a Publish Name. For example, Apply Now
- Select a Link Type: Agent or Workplace and enter who the Contact is
- Click Save

Application Options
Complete the Application Options section
- Enter the Application Type, i.e. Domestic, International, Short Course etc.
- The application type will hide or show based on the Access Dates option set. For example, you can choose for the Application Access Dates to disappear after an early bird end date by choosing a specific period. Choose whether the Application Access Dates is:
- shown Always
- hidden after Specific Period
- Enter a From and To Date
- Choose whether users can access the Application Type ONLY if they know the code set or not, or belongs to a specific email domain from the following Access Code options:
- No Code
- Code
- Enter a code in the Code box
- Email Domains
- Enter the domain(s) in the Email Domains box
- IMPORTANT NOTE! To enter multiple domains, each domain needs to be separated by a semi-colon
- i.e.;;;
- Choose the relevant Application Form from the dropdown box
- Choose whether to Auto Accept the Application
- If Yes:
- Choose whether you want to automatically link the enrolment from this application to Elearning
- Choose whether you want to automatically add Unit Enrolment to this application
- Choose whether you want to automatically add checklists to this application
- If Yes:
- Select Application Payment Type
- If a Payment Type has been selected then enter:
- Application Payment Amount
- Fee Type
- Invoice Line Item Description
- If a Payment Type has been selected then enter:
- Click Save
Note: You can add multiple Application Types if required (Available for Premium Edition Only).