Introducing Form Management
Form Management allows you to manage your Contact Forms and Application Forms easily online and with zero coding.
Contact Form
Allows anyone to contact you online and have this submitted as a Task or Opportunity against a Sales Contact.
When a Contact Form is submitted, a Sales Contact is created and can be nurtured by using Emails, Tasks, Filenotes and Opportunities to log interactions in LRM, as the enquiry progresses.

Application Form
Allow applicants to apply online and have applications processed directly into Wisenet.
Before an Application can begin, an applicant must first select a Course and Intake from one of the options below:
- By browsing from the published Course/Intakes.
- By having a direct Apply Now link.
- By using the QR code to view the Intake.
Customisable Application Forms ensure the right information is collected for each admissions process. With smart logic in Wisenet’s Form Builder if an applicant has left a page with an unsaved Form, when they return they get a message asking if they would like to resume, therefore preventing applicants to accidentally lose their application progress.
Its primary purpose is to collect information about the Learner and their Course of choice allowing a streamlined application review process resulting in the application becoming Accepted or Rejected.
Since the Application Review process can vary greatly depending on a provider’s needs, Wisenet allows you to customise this process. This can be a detailed multi step review process or fully automated, zero touch acceptance.
When an Application is received, you can follow your desired application review process using all of the existing features that you are familiar with, such as, Emails, SMS, Tasks, Filenotes, Checklist, uReport, Learncycles and more.

How are Form Submissions processed
Application Submission – Save and Resume
Send ‘Application Saved’ email to Application with a link to Resume.
Does submission already link to an Opportunity in Wisenet?
- Yes. Stop nothing else to do
- No. Proceed
Does SalesContact exist for the supplied Email Address?
- Yes. Get SalesContactId
- No. Create new SalesContact
Create Opportunity against SalesContact
- Use PartialStage and Pipeline set up against the Form
Learn More about Sales+ Application Save & Resume Process
Application Submission – Final
Does submission already link to an Opportunity in Wisenet?
- Yes. Update the Opportunity Stage to value setup against form and Proceed to step 4.
- No. Proceed to step 2
Does SalesContact exist for the supplied Email Address?
- Yes. Get SalesContact
- No. Create new SalesContact
Create Opportunity against SalesContact
- Use Stage and Pipeline set up against the Form
Can an existing Learner be identified? (see below for the Sales+ Application Submission logic for Existing Learner Check)
- Yes. There are 1 or more matching Learners
- If 1 or more Learners found, the oldest record is selected and the Application Submission is added to this Learner
- No. Create Learner using data from Form Submission
Existing Learner Check
- When AU
- Use USI and FirstName in supplied Form Submission
- A unique matching Learner record is found with matching USI and FirstName (case insensitive). This Learner record will be used.
- If the USI is blank, INTOFF, SHORT, or INDIV, this step is skipped.
- No matching Learner record is found. Go to Step 2.
- Use USI and FirstName in supplied Form Submission
- When NZ
- Use NSN and FirstName in supplied Form Submission
- A unique matching Learner record is found with matching NSN and FirstName (case insensitive). This Learner record will be used.
- No matching Learner record is found. Go to Step 2.
- Use NSN and FirstName in supplied Form Submission
- When ZA
- Use Nationalidentifier and FirstName in supplied Form Submission
- A unique matching Learner record is found with matching Nationalidentifier and FirstName (case insensitive). This Learner record will be used.
- No matching Learner record is found. Go to Step 2.
- Use Nationalidentifier and FirstName in supplied Form Submission
- When SG
- Go to Step 2
- Is a unique matching Learner record found?
- Yes. This Learner record will be used.
- No. A new Learner will be created
- Is a unique matching Learner record found?
- Yes. This Learner record will be used.
- No. A new Learner will be created
Create Course Enrolment for Learner against Course Offer
- If submission was from an Application Link then add known Workplace, Agent and Contact details
Was CourseOffer published with Auto Accept Application?
- Yes. Set Application Status = Accept and Enrolment Status = Current
- No. Set Application Status to New
Was CourseOffer published with Auto Add Unit Enrolments?
- Yes. Add all Unit Enrolments
- No. Skip
Was CourseOffer published with Auto Add Elearning Enrolments?
- Yes. Add all Elearning Enrolments with default ElearningEnrolmentRule and Group
- No. Skip
Generate a Submission Summary PDF.
Were any files supplied as part of the submission?
- Yes. Upload files
- No. Skip
Create Filenote against Course Enrolment for Form Submission which includes:
- all files including Submission PDF
- custom field data
Contact Form Submission – Task
Check if Sales Contact exists by Email
- If Yes. Updates phone number if provided
- If No. Create new Sales Contact
Send Email Confirmation to the Sales Contact
- This uses the Email Template – Enquiry Received
- The email will only be sent if this Template is Enabled. This email template needs to be reviewed, edited and enabled in initial set up. Learn how to manage Email Templates
- The email will be logged against the Sales Contact’s Logbook
The Task will be created against the Sales contact and will appear in
- Sales Contact Logbook
- Tasks Board
- Dashboard Stats (both Sales and Home)
The Task description will contain the extra fields collected in the Enquiry Submission.
Task Notifications will be sent to any user that has subscribed to the User Preferences Notification Sales Submission Tasks.
Sales Users will then be able to to see the Enquiry Task and nurture the Enquiry as required.
Contact Form Submission – Opportunity
Check if Sales Contact exists by Email
- If Yes. Updates phone number if provided
- If No. Create New Sales Contact
Sends Email Confirmation to the Sales Contact
- This uses the Email Template – Opportunity Received
- The email will only be sent if this Template is Enabled. This email template needs to be reviewed, edited and enabled in initial set up. Learn how to manage Email Templates
- The email will be logged against the Sales Contact’s Logbook
The Opportunity will be created against the Sales Contact and will appear in:
- Sales Contact
- Opportunity Board
- Dashboard Stats (both Sales and Home)
The following fields will be set based on supplied values
- OpportunityName (mandatory)
- Amount
- CloseDate
- Pipeline – Must map to an existing Pipeline value
- Owner – Must map to an existing Owner value
- Stage – Must map to an existing Stage value
- Tags – Must map to an existing Tag value
The Opportunity Notes will contain any extra fields collected in the Opportunity submission. This includes when a field above is provided with an unmapped value.
The Opportunity Stage will default to the 1st stage unless a Stage is set above.
Sales Users will then be able to see the Opportunity and Task and nurture the Opportunity as required.
How to get Started
Follow the guidelines in the How to Setup Sales+ resource article to help you get started with Form Management.