- 1 Manual Data Sync Options
- 2 FAQs
- What happens if my PRODA account disconnects?
- How to handle PRODA B2B Device Expiry?
- What TCSI data is synced and what is not?
- How do I know that all of my records are synced with TCSI?
- What happens if I set the Course Enrolment the VSL Eligible field to False?
- Why is the TCSI sync limited to Census Dates after 01/01/2020?
- Loan Fee Percentage and Loan Fee Amounts
- If 2020 records are already uploaded to HEPCAT and synced to TCSI, will subsequent changes in Wisenet overwrite the TCSI record?
- Will Wisenet TCSI Sync create duplicate records?
- Why are Student Family Name, Given Name, TFN and Residential Address missing for some learners?
- CHESSN management in TCSI
Once connected the TCSI process automatically syncs your VSL and HE data to TCSI. The sync process occurs nightly and detects any changes that occurred during the past 24 hours.
While the integration should work automatically, it is important to conduct periodic checks. We recommend doing this weekly or monthly. See below FAQ – How do I know that all of my records are synced with TCSI?
The TCSI data sync process has a lot of data validation checks. Records that fail to sync due to validation errors will be skipped and the validation error logged in Event Alerts. Users will then be able to resolve such data errors and sync again.
Manual Data Sync Options
There are also 2 manual data sync options for TCSI:
- Sync a specific Learner record including TCSI Enrolments
- This option is available in the Learner Profile page under top right Actions menu
- This is useful when you have just made a change to a specific Learner and/or their enrolment and would like the change sync’d immediately
- TCSI data will only sync where a Learner has at least one valid TCSI Unit Of Study with a Census Date after 01/01/2020
- If the Learner and Enrolments are older than this, the record will not sync. The change will need to be manually completed within TCSI. See FAQs below.
- Resync any records changed within a desired date period
- This option is available in Settings > Connected Apps > PRODA/TCSI
- This is useful when the TCSI integration has been disconnected for a period of time OR there have been a lot of changes made within the day and you would like to see the sync results without waiting for the overnight sync.
- This will only sync records that have changed during the supplied date range
What happens if my PRODA account disconnects?
PRODA can disconnect due to an error or the forced 6 month expiry. When this occurs you will need to reconnect PRODA.
If PRODA was disconnected for a period of time, once it is reconnected, you should use the resync feature to sync records changed during the outage period.
How to handle PRODA B2B Device Expiry?
Follow the instructions on How to handle PRODA B2B Device Expiry.
What TCSI data is synced and what is not?
Wisenet will take care of syncing the adding and updating of the following data types:
- Course
- Campus (Location)
- Student
- Course Admission
- Unit Enrolment
- Course Of Study (HEP only)
- Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)
Deleting will ONLY be done for Course Admission and Unit Enrolment records as these are critical for funding. All other data types will NOT be automatically Deleted due to both the rareness of such events AND the complexities involved with related linked records.
HEP may require additional data to be added to TCSI for file types like Course On Campus.
It is recommended to use Wisenet’s data sync where possible, however when there are sync limitations (as listed above), the provider will need to manually update such records using TCSI Data Entry. It is important to ensure that Wisenet data records always replicate what is in TCSI where applicable.
Please refer to the TCSI File Guidelines which outlines what records are included in each file and the required logic.
How do I know that all of my records are synced with TCSI?
- Generate Report 0952 and check if there’s any of the following highlighted in red (value set to False). If they appear in Red, that means the record (Learner/courseenrolment/UnitofStudyEnrolment) is not yet Sync to TCSI. This is most likely due to old event alerts were not action correctly.
- Learner in TCSI Flag
- Course Enrolments in TCSI Flag
- Unit Enrolment In TCSI Flag
- Take note of the Student Code/Learner ID, and select ‘Sync to TCSI’ from Learner Profile
- Check if there’s any new Event Alerts for this learner, and resolve the Event Alerts
- Repeat for the remaining impacted learners.
The record will change from RED to normal (no highlight) if it’s sync to TCSI successfully (no outstanding event alerts).
What happens if I set the Course Enrolment the VSL Eligible field to False?
The Course Enrolment > FH Eligible field is used for VSL only to determine which Course Enrolment records (TCSI Course Admission) and any linked Unit of Study records (TCSI Unit Enrolment) need to be sync’d with TCSI. You should NOT set this to False unless the enrolment should NOT be in TCSI. HE enrolments will always be reported.
Hence if the enrolment data is sync’d with TCSI and the FH Eligible field is set to FALSE, Wisenet WILL DELETE data from TCSI. Specific logic is designed to reduce the risk of accidentally setting this to FALSE and ensures that setting the FH Eligible back to TRUE will return all data to its original state.
When FH Eligible is set to FALSE
Course Admission: The integration will NOT delete the Course Admission record from TCSI
This is to safeguard incorrectly deleting the Course Admission and ALL Unit Enrolments from TCSI
in particular the deletion of Unit Enrolments that Wisenet is not keeping in sync due to Census Date prior to 2020
If you require the Course Admission to be deleted you will need to delete this manually from TCSI data entry
Unit Enrolments: The integration WILL delete any Unit Enrolment records from TCSI that are linked to the Course Admission that have a Census Date greater than or equal to 2020
- The Unit Enrolments are Deleted from TCSI because the Units of Study in Wisenet are not deemed as FH Eligible
- The deletes are only on Unit of Study records that Wisenet is actively syncing eg. exist in Wisenet and have a Census Date greater than or equal to 2020
- This allows the Unit Enrolments to be easily readded if this was done by mistake
Note: If you DELETE the Course Enrolment in Wisenet, then the integration WILL delete the Course Admission and all TCSI Unit Enrolments from TCSI.
Why is the TCSI sync limited to Census Dates after 01/01/2020?
This design was made to reduce the risk of altering older data that is HEPCAT structured (missing TCSI fields) with the data in TCSI. Hence we are preventing syncing older HEPCAT based records to TCSI. We permit 2020 records as these are more likely to require tweaks to data in TCSI due to revisions.
If you need to update older records you need to login to TCSI and use the TCSI Data Entry tool to manually make the changes. We recommend that you ensure that the data is the same in Wisenet and TCSI.
Loan Fee Percentage and Loan Fee Amounts
The Loan Fee Amount is the additional Fee charged to the Learner for their studies on top of their Loan Amount. Wisenet calculates the Loan Fee Amount by multiplying the Loan Amount x Loan Fee Percentage.
The Loan Fee Percentage changes depending on the Learner’s Enrolment. However due to the Student Loan Tax Suspension initiative as a result of Covid, the rate charged by the DESE was 0% for all Units of Study with Census Dates between 01/04/2020 and 30/06/2021.
HEPCAT however required the old rates to still be reported and at the time with the information we were provided, Wisenet decided to leave the rates as is within LRM. However due to TCSI requiring the 0% rate we have decided that we should set the right Loan Fee Percentage which aligns with the actual rates. We have updated the OLD HEPCAT exports to calculate the Loan Fee on the fly even with 0% showing in Wisenet.
The Wisenet Unit Of Study Enrolment section manages all of this and has alerts when the Loan Fee Percentage is set to 0% due to the Student Loan Tax Suspension initiative.
A detailed breakdown of the Loan Fee Percentage logic is outlined in:
If 2020 records are already uploaded to HEPCAT and synced to TCSI, will subsequent changes in Wisenet overwrite the TCSI record?
Yes, if there are changes to TCSI Learner Enrolment records that have a Census Date after 01/01/2020 then Wisenet will sync the change to TCSI.
Will Wisenet TCSI Sync create duplicate records?
The TCSI sync process is designed to not create duplicates. Validation errors will be provided should a duplicate record be detected. You will then need to resolve the data error in Wisenet.
Why are Student Family Name, Given Name, TFN and Residential Address missing for some learners?
- StudentFamilyName
- StudentGivenNameFirst
- StudentGivenNameOther
- ResidentialAddressStreet
- TaxFileNumber
- ResidentialAddressSuburb
- ResidentialAddressState
AND, where one of the Unit of Study Enrolment Status equals to the list below:
- 201, 202, 203, 204, 230, 231, 232, 233, 240, 241, 242, 260, 261, 262, 280, 281, 320, 330, 331, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410
CHESSN management in TCSI
When a Learner record in Wisenet is linked to a course, unit and loans data, that Learner record has all the information needed for the department (TCSI) to identify a CHESSN for the Learner.
By using TCSI, you no longer have to acquire CHESSNs from HEIMS WebService or HEIMS Administration. Instead, once you have reported the ‘baseline’ data for a Learner, a process will be triggered to automatically find or allocate a CHESSN for the Learner. Once a CHESSN is found, it will be directly populated into LRM against the Learner record.
The baseline data to trigger the automated CHESSN look-up process is:
- student identification code
- date of birth
- student family name
- student given name first, and student given name others
- student gender
The CHESSN look-up process will be re-executed each time you report or amend:
- the ‘baseline’ data for a Learner
- the TFN or CHESSN for a Learner, or
- a loan record or Commonwealth scholarship record.
Where the re-trigger of the look-up process determines that the existing CHESSN on the Learner record is incorrect, it will be updated with the correct CHESSN.
Next Step: Transition to TCSI