
How To Set Up Scheduled CANs / Invoices

In Wisenet, you can set up scheduled nightly activities to send Invoices / CANs to Learners by email. The service will automatically check for Course Enrolments that have a matching Unit of Study enrolment census date to generate the Invoice / CAN and email them individually to the Learner.

You can specify how many days in advance you want your chosen Automated CAN template to be sent along with your chosen message template.

Required LRM Access: Owner


Required Step!

Create your:


Navigate to LRM > Settings
  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click on Scheduled CANs/Invoices
  2. On the Top Right-Hand corner, Click the Add Activity dropdown and Select Send CAN/VSL Invoice
  3. Enter a Name (the name you type in the Name box will be shown in the scheduled activity list)
  4. In the Send the document section, Select the number of days in advance or arrears of the census date, i.e. 15 calendar days before or after the unit of study enrolment census date
  5. Do NOT tick Filtering by delivery organisation if you only provide VSL
  6. If you select to provide both VSL and FEE-HELP, then follow the steps by clicking on the + sign below:
    • VSL and FEE-HELP?
      1. Navigate to LRM > Workplaces
      2. On the Left Navigation, Click Add New
      3. Enter Code: AU
      4. Enter Description: VSL
      5. Enter Legal Name: VSL
      6. Click Confirm
      7. Then, Head to Course Offers
      8. Search for your VSL Course Offer and click to select it
      9. Click on the Action dropdown and Edit
      10. In the field Delivery Organisation, Select VSL
      11. Repeat the above same steps for FEE-HELP
  • Choose which students should receive the Invoice/Assistance Notice
    • This allows additional filtering to only generate where Accessed VFH/VSL/FH is true
  • Select the CAN or Invoice uReport template
  • Select an Email template
  • Click Save
  • The uReport will be generated and individually sent to each applicable Learner by email as an attachment and a copy of the uReport document and email message will be saved against the Course Enrolment Logbook.

    NOTE: Delivery organisation field

    Filtering by delivery organisation is no longer recommended.

    It was used only for transitioning from VFH to VSL where it:

    1. was useful when you needed to generate Invoice/Assistance Notice for VFH or VSL or FeeHelp, and
    2. allowed you to add more specific filtering where the Invoice/CAN was automated for Course Offers with a specific Delivery Organisation value


    Monitor your CANs / Invoices

    Automated events can save a lot of manual processes however it is important to monitor that the automation is working as expected. Especially when first configuring the automation.

    VSL Documents not received by Learner

    CANs / Invoice Generation and Email processes can fail if:

    1. the template design contains errors
    2. incomplete or incompatible learner/enrolment data that does not meet the template requirements
    3. issue with automation configuration
    4. email address or delivery issues
    5. an unexpected service fault

    Usually once the templates are setup and tested they are robust and the most common reason for failure is due to (2) or (3). The automated document generation will only occur if there are matching enrolments. So if enrolments are added without Units of Study or with Census Dates that no longer match automated setup logic then they will never generate.

    In rare situations the Wisenet service may not work (4) or (5). However this can be tracked by:
    i) Email delivery failure (4) will create a task against the Course Enrolment
    ii) Failed automations appear in report 0555 which can be subscribed to

    It is important to regularly check that the right CANs / Invoices are going to the right Learners.  Generate Report 0555 to get a report on all CANs and Invoices that has been generated.

    Test Overnight Automation

    1. Setup the Overnight Automation and your Enrolments
    2. Run report 0778 with a generation date in the next month
    3. Cross check data in the report to ensure that expected enrolments are appearing and that the generation dates and documents are as expected
    4. On the generation date go to the Course Enrolment record and ensure that the generated document and Email is in the Logbook

    NOTE: The data in report 0778 is only accurate as of the time running the report. Cannot run this report looking at old records and determine why automated documents did not generate as the Enrolment records or Automated Setup could have been different at that time.