
How To Request VSL ECAF Progression Forms

Progression summaries need to be sent to VSL enrolments. These forms needs to be sent throughout the year at four month intervals with dates in February, June and October.

VSL Progression Form Fact Sheet – This fact sheet provides information about student engagement and progression requirements under the VET Student Loans Program.

Required Knowledge: eCAF, VSL

Required LRM Access: Owner

Required Pre-Steps: Set Up eCAF integration


Request VSL Progression
  1. Click on the tab Request VSL Progression
  2. The Progression form should only be requested once for each reporting month.
  3. This page shows the course enrolments where:
    • The Course Enrolment Start Date is 4 months or more before today’s date
    • The Course Enrolment has an eCAF linked
    • The Course Enrolment Actual End Date is in the future (If empty then checks Nominal End Date)
    • Only for Courses marked as for VSL
  4. Select the enrolments to send Progression form to.
  5. Select Request VSL progression
  6. The form has now been sent to the learners.
    • If you receive an error it will indicate what record and why this has occurred.

Click image to enlarge

Image 1:

Image 2:


Providers will be able to see which students have completed the progression and their intentions for study, but will not have access to the survey responses.



Outstanding Progressions
Displays all outstanding progressions.
Summary of progressions can be tracked via https://ecaf.education.gov.au/progressions
  1. Click on the tab Outstanding Progressions
  2. Click on the eCAF ID for more information regarding the enrolment.

Click image to enlarge


Students have two weeks from the receipt of the invitation email to complete and submit the progression form. This is shown in Wisenet on the Creation Date. 

If you have submitted a Progression form manually through eCAF it will still display in Request VSL Progression. Wisenet is working on ways to exclude these Learners.  When you run the Progressions in a few months time it will once again show the required Learners.

If the form has not been completed and submitted by the expiry date – this is displayed in Wisenet on the Expiry Date. You can generate a new form, but is not required to do so (Go to Request VSL Progression). However, failure to complete the action and survey by the next progression point may impact on a student’s continued receipt of a VET student loan.