
NSG Onboarding: Delivery

Congratulations! You are on the second stage of your Onboarding journey: Delivery.

Here you will learn the foundations required for your delivery of Courses.  It is critical that time is taken in this stage as it will impact ease of reporting and use of your account.

In Delivery you will discover: How to enter Organisation details; Add Courses and Units; Specific compliance requirements (where applicable): and, what you need to set up before creating Course Offers.

Please allow approximately 2-3hrs to go through these areas. This time will depend on the size of your organisational requirements however, it can be completed in sections.

At any stage you can go back to the Onboarding Page


Navigate to LRM 

Learn more about the LRM. Hover over the different areas to discover their feature and function.

Learn more about the following Dashboards:


Organisation Details

Enter key details such as RTO number and address details.

How to Add a Organisation 



Adding Locations and linking these to your Course Offers is mandatory for State and Federal reporting. Even if you deliver online only or through distance you will need to record your locations.

You cannot create Course Offers without being able to include the Location.

How to Add and Edit Locations



We understand that in the country you are delivering training there are no contracts that must be reported to any of the Government departments. However, in Wisenet, you cannot create a Course Offer without linking it to a Contract.

The Contract that we suggest you link your Course Offers to is called: FFS – Other (OS) – Fee For Service

  1. Please check that the Contract FFS – Other (OS) – Fee For Service is in your database.
  2. If not, please Add a Contract and Training Schedule following the OTHER COUNTRIES tab for suggestions.



Staff section does not simply refer to Trainers but also Coordinator roles and Assessors.

You will discover more about Staff at a later stage however, if you have Course Coordinators, now is when you must add a Coordinator in order to create your Course Offers.

When Adding Staff  make sure you tick the box for Coordinator.

NOTE: Please be mindful that when you invite a user from the Portal. The staff section is auto populated with the person’s details. Be careful not to create duplicates.

If you want to learn more about Staff now see our Staff page.



In Wisenet we have Courses and Course Offers. A Course contains generic information about that Course and a Course Offer is specific to your Organisation and delivery.  Ultimately, a Course Offer is created from a Course.

Here you will learn:

Discover more about Courses



In Wisenet we have Units and Units Offers. A Unit contains generic information about that Unit and is linked to a Course. A Unit Offer is specific to your Organisation and delivery and is linked to the Course Offer.  You will need to edit the Units you wish to use in your delivery.  Adding Units is key for delivery of Short Courses. 

Here you will learn:

Discover more about Units

Set Up Delivery Completed

Congratulations on completing the second step of your Onboarding with Wisenet.

You now know how to:

  • Add and Edit Courses and Units
  • Add Location and Contract details
  • Add Staff details
Next: Becoming Operational: Enrolment

You are now ready for the next step of Onboarding.

Becoming Operational: Enrolment

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