The SDR is a set of files which you can easily export from Wisenet. The files contain data on Learner characteristics, course enrolment details, course and qualification completions, course details, and actual EFTS on a monthly basis. Further information on EFTS forecasts is required as part of the validation process. Full SDR files must be submitted electronically to the Ministry of Education three times a year as at:
- 15 April, and
- 7 August, and
- 31 December
The first two returns are provisional and the December return is final.
Additionally there is an Indicative Return due on the 10th week of the year which requires only ENRL, LEAR and REGT files to be uploaded.
Learn More? SDR Submission Dates
Do you have to submit the SDR?
As per direct quote from the SDR manual, “All TEOs that receive the Student Achievement Component including Level 1 and 2 Competitive and Plan Process Funding, and/or have students with Student Loans or Allowances, and/or Youth Guarantee programmes are required to complete an SDR. All students must be reported in SDR including non-funded students.” (SDR Manual 2018 v 1.0)
If you aren’t sure, check with TEC.
What is reported in the SDR?
- Data about your Organisation
- Data to collect
- Training Organisation details (Provider Code)
- Delivery locations for Learners you are reporting
- Courses and Units delivered / being delivered to Learners you are reporting
- Data to collect
- Data about your Learners
- Data to collect
- Contact and demographic details
- Disability or special needs (if applicable)
- Prior education
- Course and Unit Enrolment details
- Data to collect
SDR Files
There are five SDR files, each of which has a particular purpose.
- LEAR, Learner file, contains each learner who is enrolled in a course and meets the criteria for reporting.
- ENRL, Course Enrolment file, contains all valid new learner enrolments or changes to a learners enrolment within the reporting year, based on the unit enrolments in your Wisenet database.
- REGT, Course Register file, contains any new or updated data for courses that a TEO offers confirming that the Unit details in your Wisenet database match the details on record at TEC.
- QUALCOMP, Qualification Completion file, this file contains records for individual learners who have met the requirements to be eligible for the award of a qualification as set out in the approval regulations. This file can be submitted independently from a full SDR submission at any time.
- COURCOMP, Course Completion file, recording outcomes of unit enrolments for all current enrolments. This file can be submitted independently from a full SDR submission at any time.