
How To Use Inbound Emails Event Alerts

Inbound Email Event Alerts notify you when an email is received into a logbook in the LRM. There is an alert count on the dashboard to show how many emails have been received directly into logbooks in the past 7 days. Clicking on the count will take you to LRM > Reports > Event Alerts > Inbound Emails.

Required LRM Access: Owner, Admin, PowerUser, User


Navigate to Inbound Emails Event Alerts
    1. Click on the Dashboard Widget, OR
    2. Go to LRM > Reports > Event Alerts > Inbound Emails


Review the Event Alerts
  1. The Event Alerts tab will show you alerts from the past 7 days. You can adjust this by using the top dropdown menu to show alerts from the past 1-7, 14, 30 or 60 days, or all event alerts.
  2. Use the Search function to search by Alert Details and Related Records.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to filter by Alert Type.
    • Note: there is only one Alert Type for Inbound Emails: “Receive Email”
  4. To show alerts that have already been acknowledged, tick the “Include Acknowledged” option.


Read the email
    • Click on the Related Record link to open the email within the relevant Logbook.
    • It will open in a new tab.


Acknowledge Alerts

When you want to remove the inbound email from the Event Alerts count, set the alert to be Acknowledged.

  1. Select the record you wish to acknowledge
  2. Click the “Acknowledge” button in the top right
  3. The record will disappear from the page.
  4. A popup will briefly appear: “Event Alert Acknowledged and Updated”


  • Acknowledging a record removes it from the Dashboard count.
  • Previously acknowledged records will not show in the Event Alerts tab unless you select the option “Include Acknowledged”.