
Move Logbook

Required access: Owner or Admin

What is Move Logbook

Use the Move Logbook feature to transfer Logbook Entries from a Course Enrolment to the Learner Logbook.

This feature allows you to delete a Course Enrolment without losing its associated Logbook Entries.

Using Move Logbook

When To and When Not To use the Move Logbook feature.

  When a Course Offer is being cancelled and Course Enrolments are being removed from the Course Offer.

  When a Course Enrolment has been accidentally enrolled into the wrong Course Offer.

  When an Application has been accidentally enrolled into the wrong Course Offer.

   When a Course Enrolment has Unit Outcomes that have been reported for AVETMISS.

   When a Course Enrolment has been finalised (Completed, Withdrawn, Cancelled).

How to Move Logbook Entries

The Move Logbook feature is only for Course Enrolment Logbooks.

CAUTION! Move Logbook Entries is NOT reversible.


The Move Logbook feature:

  • Should only be used if you are closing out the Course Enrolment.
  • Will move all Logbook Entries from a Course Enrolment into the Learner’s Logbook.


Navigate to the respective Course Enrolment Logbook page.


Click Action > Move Logbook Entries


A caution box appears. Read it carefully before proceeding.

REMEMBER! Once you click on Proceed, this action CANNOT be reversed.


Check Learner Logbook

Moved Logbook Entries may take a few minutes to appear. Once moved, the Course Enrolment Logbook page will remain accessible but will no longer display any entries.

To view the moved entries, click Learner Logbook in the Left Navigation Bar to navigate to the Learner Logbook page. All Course Enrolment Logbook Entries will now be visible there.