
eCAF Troubleshooting

Welcome to the FAQ page. Here we will try to answer your most common questions about this feature.  If you cannot find your question from the list provided, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page in the ‘Comment’ section with your relevant question and we will update the list if applicable.

“Your password has expired. Please change your password before proceeding”

If you receive this message you will need to change your password for your eCAF web login and NOT your API login.

The steps are:

  1. Login to ECAF system with your ID and password. It will look something like ####eCAFAPI
  2. Reset your password.
  3. Then navigate to LRM > Settings > App Settings > LRM and scroll to the section for eCAF Password. Enter new password.

If you receive other authentication or login errors you will need to check your Username and Password.

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