Once an Enrolment is sent to the eCAF System you need monitor and process eCAFs. You may also need to Change the eCAF.
Monitor a Learner’s eCAF Status and Process
You can view eCAF Status via the eCAF Report Section, an individual Course Enrolment or via the eCAF system.
This is the best way to monitor eCAFs as it can automate your processes. You can access this page via Reports > eCAF/Progressions > eCAF Summary
Here you can view:
- Enrolments Pending eCAFs. Displays all Course Enrolments that still require students to submit their eCAF forms.
- Click on the eCAF ID number and follow up with the Learner as needed.
- Unprocessed eCAFs. Displays all submitted but unprocessed eCAFs
- This means that the Learner has submitted their eCAF but it requires processing in Wisenet to ensure that all of the required fields are set.
- eCAFs with Status No Exceptions can be processed by clicking on the Process All button
- This will Process the eCAF and set the Accessed VSL Flag to True
- Tax File Numbers will be updated (if provided)
- eCAFs with Exceptions must be processed manually via https://ecaf.education.gov.au/provider
- Review Exceptions
- Once approved set to Processed in eCAF system
- Go to Course Enrolment in Wisenet and set:
- eCAF status to Processed
- Accessed VSL Flag to True
- Also update the Learner Tax File Number
When in a VSL Course Enrolment look for the eCAF Details section. You can see the eCAF Status here.
You can manually update the eCAF and VSL details from within the Course Enrolment if required.
This option is only recommend when manual intervention is required due to exceptions. Login into the eCAF system and view the Enrolments or ECAF records as required.
Integrity Reports
There is also a report #0813 that provides eCAF status and information.
Change an eCAF Submission
You may need to change the details of the submission if information was incorrect or a Learner decides not to proceed.
- Go to relevant Course Enrolment
- Select Action and Edit
- Go to the eCAF section and select CLEAR
Clear or Delete
You will then have two options: Clear or Delete
Clear=removing the link from LRM (Wisenet) only. If you accidentally entered in the wrong eCAF ID and wanted to edit it. You will then need to go through the eCAF submission steps again (as written above)
Delete=Delete enrolment from eCAF system.
- Select your option
- Save