
BI Tutorial – Current Month Statistics

Before you begin:

Required Knowledge: Getting Started with PowerBI

Use PowerBI to create a current month statistics dashboard.


Load tables

Launch the PowerBI App and load as many data tables as you wish.


Create a report heading

  1. Select Text Box
  2. Type and format your report heading.


Add dashboard metric: total quote amount

  1. Select the card icon in Visualizations.
  2. Choose the data field to display on the card, e.g., quote amounttotal.


Filter data for current month

  1. Select your card.
  2. Go to Filters > Advanced filtering
  3. Under the heading “Show items when the value”, select contains and [current month]
  4. Click apply filter.


Add metric: average quote amount

  1. Copy and paste the card you just made.
  2. To change from sum of quote amount to average quote amount, in the Fields dropdown, select Average.


Add metric: total accepted quote amount

  1. Copy the Sum of amounttotal card.


  1. Add quote status as a filter
  2. Go to Filter type > basic filtering
  3. Select Accepted only.


Add metric: new enrolments

  1. Add a card (follow Step 3)
  2. Select courseenrolmentid with the Count option.
  3. Filter the data for the current month (Step 4).


Add metric: active course offers

  1. Add a card (follow Step 3)
  2. From the course offers table, select course offer id.
  3. Add course offer status as a filter.
  4. Go to Filter type > basic filtering
  5. Select Active only.
  6. Filter the data for the current month (Step 4).


Add titles to metrics

Refer to the Design of Graphs tutorial.


Change colour based on values

  1. Select a card, e.g. Active Course Offers.
  2. Under Visualisations, click on Format visual
  3. Under the Callout header, click the fx button.


  1. Enter minimum and maximum values and colours.
  2. Click ok.


Now the formatting has been applied to all cards. We can see that the Total Quote Amount and Average Quote Amount values are above average. The New Course Enrolment and Active Course Offers are about average, and the Total Accepted Quote Amount is below average.