The Trainer App will only show records that the Trainer is linked to, such as the classes they are scheduled to train and the list of Learners enrolled in their respective classes.
To view scheduled classes and class roll:
- Log into your Trainer App
- On the Home Page, under Classes, the classes you are schedules to deliver will be listed
- Click Class Code to view class details
- Click Attendance to view list of Learners enrolled in the relevant class
There might be different tasks that you may be required to do for a particular Learner enrolled in your class, i.e. viewing their enrolment history, or uploading a document/file note, or updating their attendance record. To search for a Learner via the Trainer Portal is easy. Simply follow the steps below:
- In the Search Bar, enter the Learner’s details, i.e:
- Part or all of the first name and / or last name
- Their student number (Ref Internal)
- A combination of the above
- Select the relevant Learner from the list of Learners matching the data you entered
- The Learner Profile Page will now appear and from this page you can:
- View and edit the Learner’s enrolment history
- View and edit Unit Enrolment details
- View and upload files and documents
- View and edit checklists
- View Timetables the Learner is enrolled into and view their attendance
Enrolment is the process of recording a Learner’s registration into a Course. In the instance that you need to enrol a Learner into a Short Course or a Unit Offer, you can do so through the Call Centre Wizard. Please note:
- The Call Centre Wizard allows you to enrol Learners into a Short Course (one unit attached only)
- When you enrol a Learner into a Unit Offer, you are also enrolling them into the associated Course Offer
View instructions on How To Enrol Learners using Call Centre Wizard
As each Learner completes a Unit, you need to update their outcomes and/or you can also enter an assessment score for each unit and grade banding, i.e. Credit, Distinction etc.)
You can view and edit Unit results for a Learner by following the steps below:
- Log into your Trainer Portal and Click on My Learners/Clients
- Open the relevant Learner’s Profile Page
- For the relevant Course Offer, in the Action menu click View Unit enrolments
- Select the Unit enrolments that you want to update (click the first check box to select all unit enrolments)
- Under the list of Unit enrolments – in the Action Menu Dropdown – select Update OR Bulk update
- Tick the fields that you wish to update and enter the relevant details
- Click Perform Cascade
Learn More? Outcome Codes
Monitoring and Tracking Learners’ attendance for each Unit Offer is important for reporting purposes.
Note: There are two ways of entering attendance into Wisenet. You will need to check with your Training Organisation on how you are required to enter attendance.
Open Attendance List
- Log into your Trainer Portal and go to the Classes section
- In the Dropdown box, Select the relevant date range you wish to view
- To the right of the relevant class, Click Attendance
Choose a method to Enter Attendance
Choose one from the two methods relevant to your Training Organisation’s requirement.
To view and print reports and attendance class rolls:
- Log into your Trainer Portal
- On the home page in the Reports section, click on the relevant report or attendance roll
- The Report Viewer will open
- In the drop down list, select either Acrobat (PDF) File or Excel
- The Report will now open and is ready to be printed
Trainers will only see Tasks if:
- In Portal Settings, ‘Trainer can see’ is ticked
- The task has been assigned to them
- They are linked as the Trainer for the:
- Learner
- Course Enrolment
- Unit Enrolment
If you are on Wisenet’s Premium Edition and if access is enabled, Trainers can be allowed to send Email and/or SMS messages to a Class List.
Learn More?