
SMS Messaging

Introducing SMS Messaging

SMS Messaging provides you with an alternate mode to instantly communicate with your Learners without having to leave the LRM application.  All SMS sent will be recorded in Logbook against the Learner or Course Enrolment so you can easily track messages sent with their delivery status.

This feature is only available to Wisenet customers who are on our Standard and Premium Editions. By default, the SMS App will be turned OFF in your Connected App feature. To connect this feature, simply follow the instruction on this page on how to set up and manage the SMS App.

Monthly Limit

You are required to set up a monthly limit of how many SMS you would potentially use per month.

  • You can change/update your monthly limit as you go
  • Once your monthly limit is reached, you will get a notification to advise that the cap limit has been reached

Usage Charges

How am I billed?

  • One standard SMS is 160 characters. After 160 characters, your message will become multi-part and it is 153 characters per part
  • You will be billed $0.10 for each SMS regardless of origin or destination
  • You will be billed quarterly in arrears except for SMS with an ‘Invalid’ delivery status

Why do I need to pay for SMS?

  • SMS for corporate is different than consumer agreements with telco providers and hence Wisenet is passing on the cost
  • Wisenet selected a SMS delivery partner that could
    • Deliver SMS messages globally as many of our customers have international relationships
    • Provide options in integration for setting properties like SenderName and DeliveryStatus
    • Make it easy for our customers to connect without having to signup with their own SMS provider
    • The ability to add on future new features for sending messages to Whatsapps, Facebook Messenger or other apps

How can I prevent a high end of month bill?

  • We recommend that you set a monthly limit that you are comfortable with to avoid unexpected charges relating to SMS use

Which Report can I run to see my usage?

Use Report #0937 to see your SMS Message Summary

Set Up

How to Activate the SMS Messaging App

As a Portal Administrator with LRM Owner access, you can activate the SMS Messaging App within Wisenet LRM.

Click on the resource link to see step-by-step instructions on How to Activate the SMS Messaging App

Disconnecting or Editing Monthly Usage Limit

After your SMS App is connected, you have the option to:

Using SMS Messaging

How to Manually Send SMS

SMS can be manually sent from the following locations:

  • Individually from Learner profile
  • Individually and in bulk from Course Enrolments
  • Individually and in bulk from Logbook
  • In bulk from Timetable Class List

Please note:

  • If a Learner’s mobile number is invalid, you will receive a warning message saying “This Learner does not have a valid mobile number.”

Follow the step-by-step instructions on How to Send SMS

Please Note:

  • If you are on Wisenet’s Premium Edition, you will have the option to manually send SMS within a Timetable Class List
    • As Portal Admin, you can enable the option to allow access for Trainers to send SMS messages to Learners. LEARN MORE
  • There is no ‘Reply Back’ option for Learners via SMS. However, this is a functionality that we are working on to release in the future version of the SMS feature.

How to view SMS sent

SMS records will be visible in both the Learner Logbook, and Course Enrolment Logbook with details such as:

  • Delivery Status
  • Date and Time
  • SMS Title
  • A preview of the message
    • Click on the SMS title to view full message
  • Mobile Number
  • Option to Share the SMS details as an Email message
  • Option to Delete the record
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: A popup will appear to confirm if you would like to delete the logbook record
      • Once confirmed, this action cannot be undone

SMS Delivery Status

SMS Event Alerts

SMS Event Alerts show when SMS messages were unsuccessfully processed. You can navigate to the SMS from the Event Alerts page.

Learn more: How to use SMS Event Alerts