
How to use NSN Features in Wisenet

To start using NSN features in Wisenet you first need to establish and complete your NSI Integration. If you haven’t done so yet, please see how to in the Pre-Step below before you begin.


Do you already have NSI Access?

If you do NOT have NSI access OR you have not set up an ESL account within the NSI website OR your NSI login does not connect in Wisenet then you will need to email the Ministry requesting access to NSI REST Interface (web service).

How to obtain NSI access

Once you have received the testing procedure, web service username and password from the Ministry, you will need to test that the implemented NSI REST interface functions correctly and send the results back to them.

Please see our detailed How to Test NSI REST Interface guide on how to complete this process.


Search Learner by NSN or other criteria
  1. Navigate to LRM > Learners
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click View All
  3. Select a Learner to view the Learner’s Profile
  4. Click Actions and Select Edit Personal
  5. Next to the NSN Bar, Click on the Binoculars Icon
  6. Click Search
  7. On the new pop-up window you will have the option to search for a Learner record by NSN or any other criteria


Add New NSI Record

On the new pop-up window you can also add record into the NSI database.

  1. On the top right corner, Click Add New Record
  2. Fill in the relevant data record you want to add
  3. Click Add Record to National Student Index Database

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