
How To Update Unit Element Enrolments

If you have set up Elements and attached them to your learner’s Unit Offer Enrolment, you can mark whether an Element has been completed.

Required Knowledge: Elements

Required LRM Access: Owner, Admin, Trainer


Navigate to LRM > Learners


Update Unit Element
  1. On the Learner Profile Page, in the Enrolments section, click on the relevant Course name to view Course Enrolment Detail
  2. The relevant course will now open, on the Left Navigation Bar click Unit Enrolments
  3. For each relevant unit, in the dropdown box under Actions column, click Elements
  4. Click Edit for the element you wish to update
  5. In the Status update dropdown list, Select the relevant status
    • Enter the date
    • Update the trainer if required
  6. Click Save or Cancel

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need to delete a Element Enrolment, this can only be done by Owner and Admin.

Adding missing Elements to a Learner’s Enrolment
  1. Open the relevant learner’s Profile Page
  2. In the Enrolment section for the relevant Course Offer, in the Action Menu choose View Unit Enrolments
  3. Select the unit enrolments that you want to update (click the first checkbox to select all unit enrolments for bulk update)
  4. Under the list of unit enrolments, in the Action Menu, select  and click Add Missing Unit Elements

NOTE: When Elements are added only IsActive ones will be included.


Follow the same process if you’ve moved a learner from one course to another and the elements in the new units have not come across.