File Notes let you record any information from uploaded files to portfolio links to scanned documents to generated uReports. You can create a File Note manually or automatically. To create a file automatically simply use Learncycle to automatically generate a uReport and save it as a file note when a course enrolment meets your custom trigger conditions. When you generate a Course Enrolment uReport, it will save as a Course Enrolment File Note.
Add a File Note
- Choose where you want to add a File Note by navigating to any of the following locations:
- Learner Profile
- Any logbook:
- Learner, Course enrolment, Unit Enrolment
- Course, Unit, Course Offer, Unit Offer
- Agent, Opportunity, Organisation, Workplace, Staff
- Click the top right hand Action button and select Add File Note
Add details
- Give your file note a name
- Optionally, add further details:
- A rich text description
- Use the Insert Media option to attach files, up to 10 MB each, of any of these file types
- In Learner or Course Enrolment or Unit Enrolment logbook, whether learner can see attached documents – and dates
- Learners cannot see the whole file note at this time but you can optionally display all the attached documents
- In Learner, Course Enrolment or Unit Enrolment logbook, whether trainer can see (see note below)
- In Organisation logbook, whether attached documents will display for online enrolment as terms and conditions (visible in online enrolment)
- In Organisation logbook, whether attached documents will display to learners as policy documents (learners can see)
Your note will be saved against this record and visible in the Logbook list