Winter is coming and so are a number of exciting changes. Some we are sharing now, and others that we will be sharing soon via Webinar (stay tuned).
In our April 2021 Highlights we shared some early previews of Canvas Elearning Integration; the new Opportunity List feature; Event Alerts; Xero Integration enhancements; and other compliance updates. These new and updated features have been well received by customers.
We also mentioned that we initially launched our new Logbook functionality, but decided to roll back to the old version while we made a number of enhancements thanks to customer feedback. The enhanced Logbook design is now ready to launch and you can read more below regarding the specific enhancements. We have also added additional Group and Grading functionality to the Canvas integration.
We love hearing your feedback so please let us know your thoughts on the latest updates.
Alister Smith
Business Innovation Manager

Major Updates
New Logbook changes are designed to enhance rather than be a complete redesign
We have kept the overall concept and layout of the controls similar to the previous design to reduce the amount of new learning for users. The key changes include:
Enhanced design
- New slide out design that is used in other new sections in Wisenet. Designed to reduce the number of full page loads.
- Consistency in controls allowing for reuse throughout the application
- Allows new upcoming features to be added more easily and quickly (more news on this coming soon)
Specific Features
- Print Screen and Copy URL options
- Improvements to File Management performance
- Sales Contact Send Email: ability to send emails to other email addresses
Canvas Elearning Connector with more integration options
Last month we released our new Canvas Integration that focused on Elearning Course and Enrolment syncing while we rounded out the integration to include Groups and Grades.
Group Sync
This allows you to set a Group against an Elearning Enrolment in LRM, and the integration will ensure that the Canvas User is enrolled into the right Elearning Course within the right Group Set and Group.
Grade Sync
This killer feature uses Wisenet’s Auto Grade functionality. It allows you to set up Auto Grade Rules in Wisenet that defines which Grade fields need to be updated to what values based on an incoming Grade Value from an LMS.
When Grading occurs within Canvas, it triggers a grade sync event which uses the Auto Grade logic to determine
- whether the Grade should be synced
- and if so what Grade updates will occur
This feature significantly reduces grading data entry between systems.
Minor Updates
Learner App
View uReport Documents
When a uReport is generated there are options on whether this should be visible in the Learner App. Enabling Learner App visibility on the uReport document will ensure the document appears in the Learners visible documents.
Unit Sorting Capability
Learner can now sort their Units by Unit Offer Code, Start Date or End Date.
Event Alerts
You can now see the following Event Alerts on LRM Home Dashboard as well as under Reports>Event Alerts Tab:
- Xero
- Elearning
Sales API
We made a few changes in relation to POST opportunities and POST documents to help improve inbound Sales capabilities and eliminate document upload errors:
- POST opportunities now accepts almost all Opportunity fields which allows the beta Online Application tools to create an Opportunity record with specific Stage, Pipeline or Tags set.
- POST documents have been redesigned to resolve an issue with files larger than ~4mb
New Zealand: Unit Outcome R
NZ: Unit Outcome R is now considered as ‘Completed’ for the purpose of Unit Completion metrics. This is reflected in the Learner Profile.
Wisenet Team Updates
Engagement Team
Wisenet is pleased to welcome our new Engagement Specialist, Michelle Armstrong! Michelle comes to us with wealth of knowledge within the RTO space and Compliance.
Nalina is currently on maternity leave. We wish her all the very best in her new parenting journey and we look forward to having her back in the team when she is ready to be back.

Wisenet has a 98% satisfaction score on G2 which makes us even more excited to serve our delightful customers!
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