
Getting Started: Victorian Student Number (VSN)

 Related Feature: VSN

The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a student identification number that has been assigned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) to all students in government and non-government schools, and to students up to the age of 25 undertaking Vocational Education and Training with a TAFE, Registered Training Organisation or Adult and Community Education (ACE) provider (referred to collectively as VET Providers).  It is part of the Victorian Government legislation and implemented for Learners in Victoria.

  • Export of data to the government
  • Allocates the VSN specified by the government to the relevant students via import

 How does it work?

Under the associated legislation (Education and Training Reform Act 2006), VET Providers are required to notify the Victorian Student Register of all student movements and changes to student identifying details where a student is studying in Victoria.

Learn about Reporting VSN Data through Wisenet

If you are required to complete VSN reporting, it is important that you incorporate specific VSN field collection and processes into your Course offer, Learner and Enrolment setup. The requirements change slightly depending on how you set up your Wisenet database for correct reporting.

Set Up Correct Reporting

While not strictly required it is recommended as it allows you to proactively complete your data integrity checks to ensure Learners meet the required criteria.

How to prepare for Export

Wisenet has a special arrangement with the government which automatically sends and receives student enrolment data to and from the government’s database via web-services. Specifically, this function automates:

  1. The export of the data to the government, and
  2. Allocates the VSN specified by the government to the relevant students via an import

Learn More? Reporting VSN data through Wisenet