
Reporting VSN data through Wisenet

Under the associated legislation (Education and Training Reform Act 2006), VET Providers are required to notify the Victorian Student Register of all student movements and changes to student identifying details where a student is studying in Victoria and is:

  1. 17 years old or younger (whether they are enrolled in an accredited course or not)
  2. Between 17 and 25 on the 1st of January at the start of the calendar year and is:
    • Enrolled in an accredited course, or
    • Enrolled in a non-accredited course which is funded
The Wisenet VSN service runs monthly on your SVTS-prescribed submission date and will do the following:
  1. attempt to run at 9.45am, 12.45pm and 3.45pm daily
  2. retrieve new VSNs and update Victorian Student Number field in the client record
  3. send a list of Learners who still require a VSN (their VSNs will be retrieved in next month’s submission run)
How does reporting VSN data through Wisenet works

Wisenet has a special arrangement with the government which automatically sends and receives student enrolment data to and from the government’s database via web-services. Specifically, this function automates:

  • The export of the data to the government, and
  • Allocates the VSN specified by the government to the relevant students via an import
  1. The government will specify a monthly export date for your RTO (eg. 5th of the month, 17th of the month etc)
  2. On your specified date, the appropriate student enrolments are exported from Wisenet to the government
  3. The government will then process your data. At this point, they will make available the VSN numbers for any eligible students in your database that do not have a VSN for import
  4. Wisenet will then import this data into your database and automatically update the relevant students with their VSN on the date of your next submission (half an hour before your export)
    • Note: You can set the date manually for your next export, in the event that a resubmission is required
  5. This monthly submission is fully automated and the only reporting of submission activity is via emailing to the AVETMISS Export Address
    • This can be set up in My Account in the Portal. This may be able to be provided by the VSN for your account
  6. Wisenet exports data at 10am, 1pm and 4pm where the “VSN Submission Date” equals todays date (as specified in your portal settings)
    • Note: If your “VSN Submission Date” is set to 22/07/2013 it will only export on the 22nd of each month from July 2013 onwards
  7. After a successful submission the “VSN Submission Date” month will be changed to the next month
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